Soothe a loved one’s soles during the sales season; there’s surely no greater gift than taking the weight off winter worn feet

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The January sales have a reputation for getting physical. From stamping your feet for hours on end in freezing queues to actual punch ups in Primark (don’t be one of those guys), nabbing deals can take its toll on our wellbeing. Restore a little harmony by treating someone who’s frantic in the run up to Christmas, or plotting a sales escapade afterwards, to a shopping pitstop in the form of a foot massage.

Just twenty minutes of downtime could calm nerves, ease pain and give them the headspace to consider whether they really need that golden blender/ three piece suite/ punishingly high pair of shoes. In the case of the latter, they’ll likely conclude not, as the pros at Margaret Dabbs Sole Spa in Liberty  will make them realise the bliss that can result from a reviving foot rub; they’ll never want to mistreat their feet again.

We’re couching this as a stocking filler type gift, but if you’re run off your feet yourself, you could always nip in on the sly. Clearly you’ve got to look after number one if people want presents on the big day…

Margaret Dabbs Foot Massage Gift Voucher , £20

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