More and more men are opting for the drastic approach to getting designer stubble, reports Judy Johnson

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More and more men are opting for facial hair transplants in a bid to get a perfect beard, a new report has revealed.

Dr Bessam Farjo, who pioneered the first transplant of its kind in 1996 on a burns victim, has said that demand for the procedure has rocketed over the last few years as men try to recreate designer stubble or a fuller beard.

The founder of The Farjo Hair Institute says that the trend very much follows celebs and their follicle fashions, which might mean that Jeremy Paxman's recent fully bearded appearance may entice men to follow suit.

"All it takes is for one recognised face to show off a new look for men to start considering their own facial hair," he told the Mail.

MORE GLOSS: The dos and don'ts of growing a beard

"Brad Pitt’s beard is often cited by men in their 40s, and David Beckham’s by men in their 20s and 30s. Perhaps we’ll see ‘The Paxman’ become the next hot look for men in their 50s and 60s!"

Hair transplants are the most popular form of cosmetic surgery for men in the UK, and while we can understand the need to go under the knife for a fuller head of hair, the beard slightly baffles us.

Beard trends come and go , and so does stubble rash. Maybe it's because we're ladies who'll wax and pluck until our skin is smooth and whisker-free, but to us, a clean shaven face isn't such a bad thing.