The team at Jo Hansford have come up with a treatment for one of beauty’s biggest bugbears: split ends

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Ever wanted to grow your hair but keep getting plagued by dreaded split ends? Frazzled your mane with years of blow-drying, straightening or curling? Or maybe, your post holiday hair is in need of some serious TLC? Well, we may have the answer.

The Split End Solution is a keratin based repair treatment that unlike the traditional keratin offering only coats the end of the hairs. Created by Jo Hansford’s  senior stylist Dino, the treatment will have your hair restored to its former glory in a speedy one hour.

So what’s the science behind the magic? A unique coating method involves applying tiny molecules of keratin to the most suffering of ends. This allows the keratin to penetrate the smallest fissures of hair located at the the exact point where the hair splits.

Hair that looks both healthier and shinier for up to three months with no sight of split of damaged hairs? Sign me up.

The treatment costs £160 and is available at the  Jo Hansford salon .