Dash down to Space NK’s Knightsbridge branch this Tuesday 8th September for a celebration of Nars’ newest mascara

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Are lashes your thing? Batting an immaculately groomed lash is just one of the feminine wiles we enjoy very much, and as such we’re relishing the eyelash amplifying effects of  Nars Audacious Mascara , £21. In celebration of the cutting edge new power wand,  Nars  has teamed up with Space NK to host a ‘Meet the Master event’ this Tuesday 8th September, and you’ll be welcomed in store by the uniquely talented Nars UK ambassador  Andrew Gallimore .

Cool doesn’t really cut it; Andrew is stylish beyond measure. His immaculate taste means that he can enhance your unique features to the max, and should you hop along to Space NK he’ll give you a personal masterclass in how to highlight your best bits, not to mention how to incorporate catwalk influences into your look. If you’re after that elusive full flutter, he’s on hand to help with that too. This is one workshop that promises to be a WHOLE lot of fun.

Choose between two sessions on Tuesday 18th September: 3.30-5pm, 6.30-8pm. Tickets cost £50 and are redeemable against Nars products purchased in store on the day. Bookings can be made through the Customer Service team on 020 8740 2085.

Space NK  Knightsbridge, 40 Hans Crescent, London SW1X 0LZ