What happens when Christmas, Chanel, Covent Garden and an advent calendar join forces? One of the best ways to get into the festive spirit we’ve seen all year

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It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas . So along with a glass of mulled wine and making a head start on our Christmas shopping lists (it will be different this year we keep telling ourselves), we’ll also be popping into Chanel at Covent Garden to see what’s behind each door of their new life-size advent calendar.

From the 1st of December, a window will be opened each day to reveal a range of exclusive events, gifts and treats at the boutique.

MORE GLOSS: The best beauty advent calendars

Need a bit of pre-party prep? Book in for a personal Chanel Atelier makeover. On a quest to find the perfect scent? Sign in for a fragrance masterclass. They’ll also be a bevy of beauty events  throughout the month. Highlights include manicures with celebrity nail artist Jessica Hoffman on the 3rd and 10th of December, portraits by acclaimed fashion illustrator Jason Brooks on the 12th and 13th, handwritten gift cards by a Chanel calligrapher on the 14th, 15th and 21st as well as complimentary makeovers, luxury samples and makeup pouches on different days.

Sounds like the best way to get into the Christmas spirit since a minced pie.

To find out more about gift vouchers, ateliers and masterclasses, call 020 7240 2001, #ChanelatCoventGarden.

Chanel Covent Garden, Covent Garden Piazza, London WC2E 8RF.