Judy Johnson has discovered her secret weapon for keeping sensitive skin happy in the winter months

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There is little more frustrating than nailing your beauty regime and calming your sensitive skin into a happy, contented state only to be confronted with strong winds and an icy chill in the air which undoes all your good work.

Sensitive types will know only too well that harsher, colder climes cause havoc with already stressed skin; redness suddenly becomes even angrier, dry skin is no longer simply rough to the touch and instead resembles discarded porridge oats as it flakes away like dandruff and the urge to itch becomes unbearable. In short, it's not pretty.

Good skincare is of course the answer; mainly, hydration, hydration, and more hydration, together with barrier repair to try and prevent future attacks. However, even the gentle yet rich moisturisers  I've raved about previously aren't enough to fight the freeze - I need the heavy duty stuff to really make a difference.

It's lucky, then, that just as the temperature dropped and the gales blew in a friend recommended I try Balance Me's Radiance Face Oil , £30.   Firstly, the brand; their lovely clear labelling promises 'No parabens, sulphates, petroleum, mineral oils, silicones, sea, pegs, propylene glycol, artificial fragrances and colours', making it a no-brainer when it comes to testing it out.

The company was set up by two British sisters who left the dizzy heights of PR and business behind and launched Balance Me to start a more holistic work-life balance. Together with aromatherapist Sian Jones they have created a brand which is not only a leader in the 'natural' beauty arena but is also affordable despite its smart technology.

Claudia Schiffer is said to be a fan of one of their oils and, in what is probably the only thing I will ever have in common with the supermodel, now I am too. Their Radiance Face Oil has become my daily treat; I think of it as a conditioner for my skin, thanks to its soothing and nourishing ingredients which include camelia and moringa oils, chamomile and yarrow. (Though my skin is dry even outside of the winter months this is actually suitable for all skin types - even combination or oily skins will benefit from its balancing properties.)

Having used it for a month already, my skin looks noticeably brighter, and those porridge-like flakes haven't resurfaced as yet. A little goes a very long way, with just a couple of drops each night being enough to let me wake up with a more radiant complexion; meanwhile I use the handy little rollerball (select the 15ml option on their site) for the morning on any extra dry areas before my daily SPF moisturiser and makeup application.

The natural ingredients smell divine and the light, non-greasy texture makes it ideal for massaging in after a long day. Better still, I've noticed blemish scars are significantly reduced and it even worked wonders overnight on draining the redness from a new one. Seasons will come and go, but this little gem will stay with me all year round.

Balance Me Radiance Face Oil, £27 for 30ml, is available here. 

The Balance Me Radiance Face Oil is my choice in Get The Gloss Beauty Insider's Kit created for Latest in Beauty - click here to get your beauty box worth £116 for just £19.95  and let us know what you think on social with #GTGBeautyInsidersKit!