Aurelia Probiotic Skincare are launching the first aluminium-free deodorant that you apply like a face cream

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I have long been worried about deodorants that contain aluminium.  Whilst there's insufficient evidence to support the link between aluminium exposure and the augmented risk of developing breast cancer, it stands to reason that anything that blocks and alters the way our sweat ducts function (which is how aluminium works in many deodorants) is probably not that good for us.

There has long been speculation about the use of aluminium in deodorants and there are many aluminium-free ones on the market, but this Botanical-based one from Aurelia Probiotic skincare is pretty unique, a first of its kind even. Created using super fine, powdered botanicals such as Arrowroot and pure Kaolin, it works by sitting invisibly on the skin, ready to absorb your natural perspiration throughout the day. Not only does it keep your armpits dry, but Teatree, Eucalyptus and Peppermint also inhibit bacteria. Along with other natural fragrances such as Lavender and Bergamot, it promises to keep you super fresh and limit unwanted stinkiness.

But the really different part about this natural deodorant? You don’t roll this on or spray it - with its cream formulation (it comes in a pot like a face cream) you apply it with your fingers. This may seem like a strange concept at first, after all, the armpit is an area that we generally don’t like to touch, but once you’ve done it once you start to wonder why you have never applied deodorant like this ever before. Do you have to wash your hands afterwards? You can, but the scent is actually really quite lovely so you don’t feel you need to - although I wouldn’t then go and apply your eye cream!

And how does it stand up to normal deodorants? It’s really very good indeed. Since owning a pot I have put it to the test through numerous sweaty workouts, long runs and various lengthy days at work wearing silky blouses. At the end of the day there’s no smell, no staining, and hardly any sweat. At £18, the price might seem steep but its guaranteed to last you about six months. I’m a convert.

Available from the beginning of August

Aurelia Probiotic Skincare Botanical Cream Deodorant, £18