Emma Bartley

Get The Gloss's health and fitness writer used to be a food writer, until she started bursting out of her clothes


About Emma Bartley

Emma Bartley  used to have a lovely life working as a sub-editor for  The Times  and ELLE, while writing  Size 13 , a column about her desperate attempts to stay in - or only slightly over the top of - her Size 12 jeans.

Now the mother of a young toddler, she has let herself go completely, so it seemed like time for a new column. Doing It All  charts her life as a not-so-supermum, because all those aspirational blogs with pictures of serene babies in beautiful homes make her want to scream. In the same spirit, she is working on the world's first baby book to contain absolutely no advice.

Her dispatches are typed out between guilty snacks, while leaping around the room trying to keep her not-terribly-safety-conscious child alive. (At least it burns some calories.)