Astrologer Jessica Adams forecasts what's in store for your star sign today

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Read the fine print on financial or property issues. This applies to buying/selling and charity too. Allow for u-turns, delays or x factors and be aware.


Partners or enemies? Potential partners or exes? The discussion begins today, or the questions (at least). Yet nothing is fixed, firm or final for weeks!


Your daily workload or your body? Both are crucial. There are choices to make, yet you absolutely must factor in the potential for deadlocks, errors or holding patterns.


The next generation? Or relationships bringing it closer? You have crucial discussions, news or reading material to plough through. Yet do allow for reversals or waiting games.


Your home, family, home town is crucial now. Don’t accept the first story you hear or read, as the final one. This will change or be held up. This also applies to your household, country or flat.


Phones, computers, the web, books or the media? You are now on crazy cosmic paving, Virgo and you need to read the fine print, have Plan B and allow for a bonkers October.


Business, money, property or possessions require thought. Please allow for mistakes, delays, u-turns in decision-making as Mercury is well and truly retrograde.


If it’s about you, then it’s about timing. Your reputation, name, image, brand, face or shape throws you into a state of flux for weeks - this is a dress rehearsal - assume nothing yet.


Your secrets or your Miss Invisible role now matters more. Covering things up? Not taking any credit? Sure, there will be decisions ahead, but do factor in the x-factors.


Friends and groups of all kinds require a strategy. Flakey human beings, internet or post issues, mad weather and more will result in delays, changes ahead.


Career, university and volunteering trends are bonkers. Sure, you get relief and release at Christmas, but you must also account for changes and delays - and mistakes - for weeks.


Travel, publishing and education are crucial now. So is publishing and even religion. Foreign people or places may be involved, throughout. And do allow for u-turns or waiting games.