Your daily horoscope as foretold by astrologer Jessica Adams
Today Aries, the communication is back.
The communication is there at last (proper, productive communication) with your former, current or potential partner. Or even with, or around, enemies. Do this within the next seven days if you can.
Don't rest today Taurus, time is running out.
You have about another week to quickly and easily pursue the answers you want from health, food, drink or exercise professionals, or from the medical or alternative health profession. Hurry, hurry.
Today Gemini, you are looking for answers.
Children, godchildren or young relatives? Professional or unpaid involvements with younger people? You need things explained, in writing or confirmed. Do move quickly, before the 15th.
Aim to have things all wrapped up today Cancer.
If you must proceed with important house, family, home town, household, flat or homeland issues after the 15th have Plan B and read the fine print. Best scenario? You wrap it all up from today.
Today is all about focusing on completion Leo.
Mercury in Libra is something you can really push, in terms of your websites, media, social media, publishing and so on. Just remember, from the 15th it all unravels or gets stuck so aim to complete.
Prepare to back yourself up today Virgo.
Your ruler Mercury turns retrograde shadow in about a week, in your finance, property, charity, business and sales/purchase zone. If you must proceed from the 15th, back yourself up fully.
Aim to get organised ahead of time today Libra.
Your questions, news, discussions or debates quite rightly focus on your name, face, shape, style or profile. Shift as much as you can next week, as from that point you will hit delays, changes.
Make the most of the clarity that is in the air today Scorpio.
A secret or a role behind the scenes is a priority. The discussion may be with yourself, or with a confidante, but try to get it over and done with by early next week. After that, nothing is clear.
Don't forget, Sagittarius, to use your time well today.
Computer, transport, travel or basic human communication flaws will affect your group project (the one involving your friend) from the 15th so use this time, energetically, to complete everything.
Today is a day for fact-finding Capricorn.
Mercury the Messenger is speeding through your zone of career, university life, volunteering and success. Do all the fact-finding and talking you can, by the 15th and if possible, hit completion.
Work on completing your priorities today Aquarius.
Insure your travel from the 15th and make allowances for computer, printing, transport, postal or weather issues from that date. If possible, get your trip, book or course priorities completed soon.
Today Pisces, aim to get things signed, sealed and delivered.
As you will go backwards and forwards with the financial, property, business or charity discussion in around one week from now, avoid the spiral by signing, sealing and delivering by the 15th.