The nutritional therapist and ex-model takes five to tell us how she approaches everything in life from lay-ins to lunch...

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How does a nutritional expert approach their day to day tasks? Ex-model Gabriela Peacock , Nutritional Therapist and Founder of GP Nutrition lives the dream, working at the stylish centre for wellbeing Grace Belgravia and offering guidance and meal plans for those who need a health reboot. So sought-after is her advice that today marks the launch of her much anticipated nutritional supplement programmes; five premium supplement packages to support modern living.

As Gabriela gears up for the big launch, we took five minutes for a quick email exchange to find out what makes her tick...

Hit the snooze button, or up-and-at-em?

Snooze – I love sleeping!

What does your company do in under 10 words?

Premium nutritional supplement programmes, perfect for modern lifestyles.

Best piece of work advice you ever had?

Quit modelling and start studying!

Name three things in your working week you love doing?

Creating my GP Nutrition supplement programmes. Exploring new ideas. Meeting new clients.

What are three things you do every day before breakfast?

Shower, brush my hair & teeth, check my emails.

What do you love about your job?

I love what I do and seeing the positive effect that it has on my clients.

What’s cooking for work lunch?

If I’m at the clinic, something yummy from the Grace Belgravia café, or something simple if I’m at home like sushi, soups and salads. I tend to have more exciting dinners!

How do you stay organised?

Endless list making! Nothing beats the satisfaction of ticking something off a to do list.

Describe your working style in 3 words?

Smart but comfortable.

Typical work attire?

Either a smart dress or shorts with an elegant top with ballet pumps. I’ll swap the pumps for boots in the winter.

Heels or flats, and why?

Flats in the summer as they always look nice with short dresses – I’m too tall to wear heels with a short dress! In the winter I’ll occasionally wear heels with smart trousers.

Worst job you ever had?

Shooting a beach wear catalogue outside in 10 degrees!

Notepad or iNotes?

Always notepad!

Yoga, Pilates or HIIT and why?

Pilates. It makes you stronger and leaner, and you don’t sweat (I hate sweating!).

The GP Nutrition Supplementary Programmes are available from today in store and online at  Selfridges ; choose from energy-balancing Restore Me, liver-detoxing Clean Me, hair, skin and nail-supporting Enhance Me, weight loss boost Slim Me or the protein fix, Boost Me. To celebrate the launch, Gabriela will be in-store in Selfridges holding 20 minute consultations.  Book your consultation here.