It's yet another ridiculous body standard we're being expected to adhere to - so here's an even more ridiculous 5-point plan for getting 'pit fit' fast
Up until this weekend, I was certain that I had a pretty good handle on my ‘New Year, New You’ (rolls eyes) fitness goals. However, according to Hollywood, there’s one more that I may have overlooked. The elimination of my ‘arm vaginas’ - the perfectly normal bits of flesh that form where my arms meet my body and the parts I didn’t know I was expected to get rid of until now.
Highlighted by celebrity stylist Rebecca Corbin-Murray in an interview with The Times as a common body hang-up experienced by many of her A-list clientele, getting ‘pit fit’ could become the new HIIT. Even Jennifer Lawrence expressed her insecurities about it in a 2014 red carpet interview.
With party season now in full swing, it’s probably too late for many of us to factor it into our weight loss plans. However, don’t worry ladies, we’ve got your back - here are our top 5 ways to disguise your underarm fat, fast and to fend off the wrath of body shamers with too much time on their hands.
- Walk with your arms extended above your head at all times - not only is this a great way to hide them, but it’ll look like you’re always angling for a double high five, and who doesn’t love that guy!
- Colour them in with a black Sharpie pen - colouring’s been shown to be great for mindfulness.
- Use aforementioned Sharpie to extend your Vs over your shoulders to transform a strapless outfit into a double strapped wonder in an instant!
- Book in for a ‘pitjazzle’ - a smattering of rhinestones is certain to turn your fleshy folds into twinkling Vs of fabulousness for the ultimate party season accessory.
- Spanx them - simply take the ones you use for your thighs, cut up the crotch and slip over your shoulders to use use as a festive cover up. It’s cold out.
Who said that this was yet another impossible body standard for us to adhere to?