With the launch of Union Square Sweat Fest it’s not all about the fashion this week in New York

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Next week, Manhattan’s Union Square will be given a healthy makeover with the launch of a weeklong wellness festival. Kicking off on the 24th February, the fitness extravaganza will include a program of free exercise classes, complimentary gym membership packages and personal training sessions alongside deals and discounts at participating Union Square retailers.

Once registered, participants will be able to pick up their Sweat Fest Map and a Gym Bag filled with gear they can use for their week of complimentary fitness activities. Plus, to add to the fun, if you share your experiences using hashtag #USQSweatFest you can win a whole host of healthy prizes.

With the likes of Lulelemon and Reebok taking part this is an event not to be missed.

Register here.

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