We caught up with ex PR Director turned Nutritional Therapist Eve Kalinik to chat changing careers, the challenges of setting up a business and the importance of a good facial

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Having spent 13 years working in the corporate world of luxury fashion PR,  Eve  swapped the catwalk for the clinic and turned a lifelong passion for healthy eating into a career. Studying Nutritional Therapy part-time whilst working as a PR Director for Karlo Otto, Eve is well practised at juggling her time and since leaving the fashion world splits her days between seeing clients, consulting for brands, hosting workshops and supper clubs and writing on all things green.

Why did you decide to specialise in nutrition?

Well really I grew up on the ethos of eating real foods. My parents grew a lot of their own veggies and fruit so without realising it I guess it was ingrained in me from a young age. But, like a lot of people, lifestyle changes meant even when I thought I was being healthy, my food choices were not always the best. It was then following a few niggling health issues that I personally found the benefits of seeing a naturopath. I found by changing the way I ate, it in fact changed my whole body and I suddenly became aware of how it felt to feel good all the time. I wanted to learn more and it was then I decided to enrol on a 3 year diploma course to study. This was in fact my second career (I was in fashion for well over a decade) but now feels like I was always meant to do this. I see nutrition and eating well as such a fundamental part of optimum wellness and really I think people are starting to truly understand this. I really believe that people are soon going to treat seeing their nutritional therapist like their dentist. How can we not realise that what we do (or do not) put into our bodies affects the way it functions on so many levels?

When was your big break?

I honestly can't pinpoint one in nutrition. I think I have been exceptionally lucky and it has really been a combination of a lot of things. I have a thriving practise, I write for some wonderful publications and media platforms that give me a great voice to reach out and talk about relevant topics, and I work with some truly innovative and inspiring people, brands and start ups. When it comes down to it we really have to make the most of the opportunities that are presented to us that are often not the most obvious ones, and these then can lead onto bigger and better things!

What does an average day look like for you (if there ever is one?!)

Without fail morning is my time to catch up on emails and get a clear picture for the day ahead regardless of what is happening. I'm an early riser and usually hit the gym or do yoga for an hour and make sure I have a good breakfast. This morning routine really sets me up for the day. Then it really depends on whether it's a day in clinic with my clients, meeting copy deadlines, events or product development. It's very varied so it's important for me to set goals for the day and the week ahead.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

It really has to be making people feel better and supporting them through a period of time in their life or achieve something they thought they couldn’t ever get to which can be anything from weight loss, dealing with life long conditions and even down to helping them to have babies. There is really nothing more rewarding than that feeling.

MORE GLOSS: Eve Kalinik's 'My Week in Food'

Are there any aspects of your job that you find challenging?

Of course. Like any profession there can be challenging times but it’s about how you deal with these that makes the difference. Right now for me as the business is growing it’s the admin - I'm rubbish at that so thank god I have a great accountant!

What's the most common question you get asked by clients?

What's the best sugar substitute. And sadly there isn't really one…

Who's your team 'me'? 
Who do you rely on to keep you happy, healthy and sane?

My friends and family foremost. I couldn't do any of this without them. And then I choose to surround myself with people, brands and organisations that I truly resonate with and that keeps me happy. Those who have a similar likeminded attitude. It's important to be true to yourself and I've often said no to things on the basis of this alone. I make regular gym sessions with my fave trainer  Claire Kourakou at Body Works West  and yoga classes with  Philippa Gendall  an important part of my life as well as reflexology with the magical Sonia Desiderio. I have been going to the same hairdresser  Patrice Fanals  at Aveda for over a decade - he is brilliant! And for organic naturally based dye I go to  Hair Organics in Notting Hill , it's a real find. I also have regular facials with the amazing  Laura Jones  and my go to for the best mani pedi is Monica Souza at  PRIV.

How is your industry changing?

I think there has been a major explosion in nutrition. Some for the good some for the bad. I think anyone or anything that encourages healthy eating is a good thing but just be mindful that whatever works for someone else doesn't necessarily work for you. Nutrition is entirely individualistic but can be THE most empowering thing you can do for yourself every single day and for the rest of your life.

Find out more about Eve  here  and check out her Instagram  here.