Health and fitness blogger Cat Meffan gives us some insight into her jam-packed wellness world

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As a jewellery designer, yoga teacher, health and fitness blogger  and general wellness enthusiast, Cat Meffan knows a thing or two about juggling a happy, healthy and balanced life. She took a break from reviewing the latest crazy classes and the most fashionable fitness gear to tell us a little more about what drives her motivational mantras and what a week of workouts looks like for her.

What's your overall approach to health, fitness and nutrition?

“I’m all about having a manageable lifestyle that I enjoy. The enjoyment part is so important, as that’s what makes you want to keep doing it. I think everyone can enjoy fitness, they just need to find what they love.

“With regards to nutrition I have a very balanced diet - I eat very healthily Monday - Saturday (sometimes with the odd treat) and then I have Sunday as my day off. I’m really getting into my cooking now, so even my day off is made up of healthy treats that I’ve made - but sometimes it includes a burger and milkshake! If I really want something I don’t stop myself, I’ve just got into the habit of not craving sugary foods too much.”

How much is fitness a priority in your life?

“It’s a huge priority - I love it! I grew up doing gymnastics and ballet and then when I went to secondary school, P.E. was pretty much the only reason I attended. Fitness has been part of my life for as long as I remember - I love that rush of endorphins I get after a workout and I love challenging my body to move in new ways. That’s why yoga is such a big part of my fitness, because I can lend my gymnastics and dance skills to it and constantly learn new ways to work my mind and body. I'm constantly trying new moves to add to my workouts.”

How do you squeeze fitness in around a busy schedule?

“I tend to do intense 30 minute workouts, rather than pottering around a gym for 90 minutes, which saves time. I love working up a sweat, so this kind of workout is great for me. I know that if I’m not active I tend to get grouchy, as I like having that release. The best way to fit it all in is to plan your workouts for the week in advance, in the same way you would your social life. If I know on Sunday night that I’ve got an hour free on Thursday, then I know I can book in yoga and have no excuse for not doing it.”

What’s your personal motivational mantra?

“You can’t rush something you want to last forever - I’ve written this so many times and it never gets boring. It was the quote that really changed my mindset years ago, making me realise that wellbeing as a whole is a lifestyle meant to last forever, not a fad diet or fitness plan.”

What tips would you give to anyone looking to run a marathon/10K?

“I’m not the greatest runner and sadly can’t say I’ve ever run a marathon, but from someone who once couldn’t run more than half a mile, but can now run a 10k (JUST!), I’d say don’t just focus on the running - take time to practise yoga to stretch out your body and minimise the risk of injury. Also, find a time of day that works for you; If I run in the morning I enjoy it so much more than I do if I go in the evening.”

To keep up with Cat Meffan’s fitness journey follow her on  Twitter  and  Instagram

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