If getting fit has been on your to-do list for some time, pick up those trainers and get involved with Fitness First's International Fitness Week. Anna Hunter tells you how

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Let's be frank, March can be a bit of a 'meh' month; a bit sluggish, still chilly and a tad uninspiring until we reach Easter and can break our Lent promises. But don't just loll about waiting for chocolate; we have a much, much better idea, and it won't cost you a sausage.

Fitness First's annual International Fitness Week commences today (probably best to leave the chocolate and sausages alone then) and in a bid to get the nation motivated and moving, the global health club group is offering free gym passes for all. Whether you're a member, non-member or lifetime gym-phobic, Fitness First clubs will welcome you with open arms until Sunday, and it's certainly pulling out all of the stops to seduce you into the sporting life over the next seven days.

Launched by British Olympic and World Cycling champion and general Glossy idol Victoria Pendleton, International Fitness Week aims to encourage even the most exercise-averse to get their hearts racing. In the words of cycling's golden girl: “People need to get moving, be it cycling or any other exercise. This is a great chance for people to try out all fitness activities for free!” And when Victoria says all, she means ALL. That’s not to say that you must use your guest pass on every day of the week- just pick and choose which days and classes appeal most to you.

To blow away the Monday cobwebs the week starts with Try Something New Day, which aims to introduce you to an activity that you've never tried before, be it weight training, boxing or just exercise itself if you're one of the 80% of us on the gym-avoider spectrum. Once you've conquered the initial Monday hurdle, you'll find the transition to Tuesday's Freestyle Day a breeze, as the activities on offer are anything but boring. Mix it up by trying something a bit more innovative and cutting edge - suspension training, anyone?

By Wednesday you'll be a lady on a mission, firing with all guns blazing for Challenge Day. Get on your bike to race your friends, boyfriend or even just yourself in cycling challenges inspired by queen of the track herself Ms Pendleton. But never fear; if pedalling isn't your bag there are plenty of other fitness challenges to push your limits and ignite your competitive spirit.

Whether you're a dog-eat-dog racer girl or more of a sociable spinner, Thursday's Group Exercise Day promises to be fun-filled. Try Zumba or Athletic Fitness and spur yourself on with the help of friends, classmates and expert teachers. By now you'll probably have worked up quite a sweat, so Friday's Healthy Eating Day will help you to focus your efforts on your diet and general health, fuelling you on to Saturday's Top 20 Workout Day in which you can choose from a range of tailored workouts that target specific goals and areas of the body.

The thoughtful Fitness Firsters have even incorporated a day of R ‘n’ R, so we suggest that you use your free Sunday pass to salute the sun in a yoga class before zoning out in the sauna or steam room. We're looking forward to that bit almost as much as we're looking forward to our Lindt Easter bunnies.

Download your one week guest pass now for free at www.internationalfitnessweek.com .