Freedom2Train’s Steve Mellor is into intermittent fasting, punishing exercise and doesn’t really do ‘downtime’. We investigate where all of this energy comes from…
Five star fitness trainer Steve Mellor won’t go easy on you, but then he doesn’t go easy on himself either. His tough love approach to exercise is renowned for reaping serious rewards, and given that he’s put our editor-in-chief Susannah Taylor through her paces from practically zero to definite fitness hero , we have a soft spot for the indomitable Steve. We’re not the only ones either; British beauty brand ELEMIS has harnessed his considerable wellbeing and workout wisdom to inform not only their incredibly reparative muscle soothing treatments , but also to provide clients with the ultimate in high tech body, as well as skin, fitness . We discovered that Steve’s gleaned quite a bit of grooming know-how from the lovely people at ELEMIS too. Looking good isn’t just for ladies…
Get The Gloss: How did you first get into fitness? Have you been doing burpees since birth or was there a light bulb moment?
Steve Mellor: For as long as I can remember I’ve been coaching people. I’ve trained others dating right back to when I was in the early teens at school. I was always fascinated by the idea of training and working in fitness, and that grew through the years and led to a BSc and MSc and years of practical work with anyone and everyone, from everyday enthusiast to Olympians and explorers.
GTG: Your business incorporates ‘freedom’ into its name. Why is that? How do you make exercise liberating, not punishing?
SM: Freedom2Train was built on the principle that you can be anywhere and workout, no matter what the space. Inside or outside, no matter what equipment you do or don’t have; it’s just a question of getting on with it.
Exercising with me or my team is fairly punishing when it needs to be, I love the quote that ‘if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you’ but that doesn’t always have to imply challenging someone physiologically; you can challenge people mentally too.
If you can show someone that they can do things that they never thought possible, then the feeling that they get is so powerful that they forget the battle and focus on what they have achieved.
GTG: What tips do you give to new clients or those taking on a fitness challenge?
SM: It’s all about consistency. Regular exercise and eating well leads you to your goals. Lots of people sign up to a 5km, 10km, marathon, triathlon or any other challenge with a view to lose weight, get in shape, tone up etc, but they don’t address the biggest component to their success: nutrition. They therefore don’t achieve their goal of getting in shape and look to more and more exercise to achieve their goal. It’s an equation of 70% nutrition to 30% exercise if your goal is to look good!
In terms of fitness challenges it’s important to take a holistic approach to what you’re trying to achieve. If you enter a 10km run and you don’t do any running then it’s important to think of what your body will go through during training; the key isn’t to just buy bright coloured trainers and go running. Maybe look to introduce some yoga as a way of recovering from the increased running, or adding lots of stretching into your weekly routine.
GTG: How do you fit in your own training around busy client schedules?
SM: Just like I tell my clients, you have to make time for it. I always train 5-6 times per week and make sure I do yoga on top of that whether in a class or some simple flows pre-workout. I don’t ever consider not doing it so that’s not an option. I’m keen to start to introduce more gymnastics into my week so that should be new and different, which will be cool!
GTG: What’s your favourite way to prepare for a training session?
SM: I like to do a good amount of mobility work, being a tall guy I get pretty stiff post workout so I need to take the time to warm my body up if I want to train well. I also love a good ‘pump up’ song if I’m about to go and lift heavy stuff; Eminem ‘Lose Yourself’ always fires me up!
GTG: How do you like to recover from a gruelling workout?
SM: Simple, simple, simple. I drink a post workout shake of 30g whey protein and 30-50g carbs immediately post workout. I aim for 3 epsom salt baths per week and also throw in the ELEMIS Aching Muscle Super Soak , £36, and get booked in for a deep tissue massage at The House of Elemis when I can too.
GTG: What’s your personal motivational mantra?
SM: “Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.” Albert Einstein said it and I love applying it to work, training and life in general.
GTG: How do you keep yourself looking and feeling fit and well in other areas? What part do grooming, nutrition and other lifestyle aspects play?
SM: Grooming wise, I love ELEMIS Pro Collagen Marine Cream , £80. That’s a sentence I never thought I would say but ELEMIS has honestly opened my eyes to grooming! Nutrition is of huge importance to me. I do Intermittent Fasting (IF) , which means I fast between 8pm-midday the next day, so that every day has a 16 hour fast and 8 eating hours. Within the eating hours I generally eat anything that’s paleo plus some dairy. IF is an interesting subject, and it definitely confuses some people as we are taught to eat small amounts regularly, but this style of eating really fits with my life.
GTG: Tell us about your dream rest day…
SM: Working out! I love it, it makes me feel awesome and properly alive and kicking. I hate resting!
GTG: Finally, if you could work out anywhere in the world, where would it be?
SM: In the mountains and by a lake. I love being in the Alps; the air, the scenery and the outdoor lifestyle really suits me. Take me there with a good group of athletes and that’s my perfect place to train.
Are you into Intermittent Fasting like Steve? What’s your favourite way to recover from a workout? Comment below or tweet us @GetTheGloss .
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This profile was written in partnership with ELEMIS .