Soak up some workplace wisdom from one of the most dynamic health and fitness editors and entrepreneurs in the business…

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Always assume that the directors, CEOs and editors of this world sailed their way to success, oozing confidence and serenely smoothing over stumbling blocks? Not so. For every pitch won or goal achieved, there’s a problem overcome or a lesson learned. Here’s what Hip & Healthy  founder and editor Sadie Reid has discovered en route to creating an award winning online activewear destination and health based digital magazine...

The best things I’ve learned about...

The digital age

That it never stops changing the way we live our lives. The opportunities are endless.

Switching off

That implementing a digital curfew at 9pm was much harder than I thought it would be. It became totally impossible for a while after having my son Max as I had to be able to work whenever Max gave me the chance, even if that was 3am. But it wasn’t a healthy way to live and I find that by turning off my phone / laptop / apple watch at 9pm I wake up a much calmer, less anxious person and I’m far more productive in the long run (she says typing this at 22:19…).


It’s the key to juggling family and work


That you won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s ok! Once you accept this fact, you can stop taking things personally and focus your energy on the task at hand rather than worrying about what everyone thinks of you. As long as you are a kind person you know you are doing well and the haters will come around in the end.

Confidence at work

If you are passionate about what you do you’ll be confident at work, speak up in meetings, put your opinions across and come up with great ideas.

Office Politics

Don’t get involved.

Hiring staff

Listen to your gut.


Fail fast.


You are what you eat (and drink) and you are only as old as you feel. Look after your body, soul and mind and it will thank you for it. That, and avocados are the key to good skin!


That money comes from expected and unexpected places (an affirmation from Louise Hay ).

A working wardrobe

I have learned that being comfortable equates to being more productive and more focused. Save the uncomfortable stuff for big meetings when you need to impress as it will be noticed. I used to work with someone who would remove all of their jewelry after important meetings, and when she got back to her desk she felt so much more comfortable without it all on. She realised that she worked so much better without it distracting or annoying her in any way! Such a simple change but it could make a difference when time is of the essence.

What are the best lessons you’ve learned in your career? Comment below or tweet us  @GetTheGloss

Follow Sadie on Twitter  @SadieMacleod  and Hip & Healthy  @hipandhealthyuk