Nike Global Master Trainer Joslyn Thompson-Rule gives two quick and easy workouts that will help you achieve a taut tum from the comfort of your own home

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Whether it’s because you’re time starved or utterly gym-phobic, we all have our reasons for wanting to boycott the gym and curl up with a big bowl of spaghetti carbonara. Unfortunately however, procrastination and pasta don’t get results and with the summer months very much upon us, the desire to get our bodies in shape is stronger than ever.

Thankfully though, thanks to the discovery of  HIIT training , getting fit fast no longer means slogging away hours on the treadmill and seeing minimal results. In fact, by doing just three short sets of high intensity workouts a week your body will quickly build strength, endurance, fitness and most excitingly of all - show visible change.

To help get you started we reached out to  Personal Trainer and Nike Global Master Trainer Joslyn Thompson-Rule  who’s provided us with two simple and snappy 10 minute routines that mix both strength and HIIT training to provide an all over fat-buster. Work your hardest, repeat three times a week and watch as your body transforms before you.

HIIT Workout 1

How to do it: “Complete the whole circuit as fast as you can, then rest for 30 seconds. Keep repeating this cycle for 10 minutes. Repeat two to three times a week for maximum results.”

10 Lunges (on each leg)

“Stand tall and take a step forward, both knees should be at 90 degrees in the bottom of the movement. Return to start position driving off the front heel.”

10 Squats

“Keep your weight on your heels and push your hips back behind you as if you are sitting on a chair. Ensure your knees don’t cave inwards and keep your torso elevated throughout.”

10 Renegade rows (on each side)

“Set yourself up in a plank position with your hands holding the dumbbells directly underneath your shoulders. Ensuring your hips don’t move, slowly draw your elbow behind you and back down.”

Plank (1 minute)

“Hands should be directly underneath the shoulders. Shoulders, hips, knees and ankles should be in line. Keep your bottom squeezed throughout the movement.”

HIIT Workout 2

How to do it: “This routine needs to be done every minute for 10 minutes continually. Essentially repeat these three movements as fast as you can within one minute - with any remaining time being used to rest. E.g. if you complete the set within 50 seconds then you’re allowed 10 seconds to recover - beginning again on the start of the new minute. Therefore, the quicker you complete it, the more time you have to rest. However, If you finish in 40 seconds or less, add a few extra burpees in to kick it up a notch!”

3 Lunges (each leg)

“Stand tall and take a step forward, both knees should be at 90 degrees in the bottom of the movement. Return to start position driving off the front heel.”

5 Squats

“Keep your weight on your heels and push your hips back behind you as if you are sitting on a chair. Ensure your knees don’t cave inwards and keep your torso elevated throughout.”

3 Burpees

Start standing tall, place your hands on the ground in front of you and jump your feet back behind you, then lower your chest to the ground. Return to the start position by pushing your upper body off the floor, jump your feet back to your hands and stand up with a jump whilst clapping your hands overhead.

Follow us on  @getthegloss  and Joslyn at  @joslynthompsonrule