What do your September stars have in store? Our spookily accurate astrologer Jessica Adams has your predictions
Avoid eclipse time from the 15th-17th for secrets, life behind the scenes, work questions, university issues or body choices. It’s unclear!
The solution you crave or the wonderful opportunity you deserve will surround your former, current or potential partner shortly.
Finalise your work, university degree or unpaid work arrangements by the 9th as from that point until October, you hit flux-ups. Speed things up.
The 19th-25th gives you a delicious taste of how things might be with your money, home or business in 2018 so pursue who/what appeals.
A slow reshuffle in your profession, business or institution will take until February to complete. Skip people politics and power plays if you can.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Babies, children, young adults or the generation born 20+ years after you, still holds a glittering key. Close the door firmly by the 9th, though.
Your lifestyle, workload and daily routine will be upgraded and improved in a wonderful way, beginning in small stages now. Keep saying yes.
The eclipse from the 15th-17th is unhelpful for friendship, groups of all kinds, and matters concerning babies, children or younger people.
Your former, current or potential partner is at the heart of little cosmic gifts, clues, hints and signs. Pursue this. It spells happiness in 2018.
Keep your travel, internet, publishing, education or foreign agenda simple by refusing to engage in Top Dog games. Strike a new deal in 12 weeks.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Try to finish on a high note with your family, house, apartment, home town, household or homeland plan and finalise it all by the 9th.
From the 10th, the world of babies, children or the generation 20+ years your junior, tempts you with high hopes. Take every solution or option.
Avoid the period around the eclipse on the 16th for property, family, career, unpaid work, university, home town or homeland priorities.
The lifestyle and work-life balance of your dreams comes closer in the final quarter of 2017 thanks partly to small moves you make now.
Take all you learned about power plays, control games and people politics with money, property or business and use it. Strive for a fair new deal.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
The special project, class, course, idea or concept (online or in the real world) delivers all it can by the 9th. Aim for closure by that date.
You will be thrilled with the outcome for your house, apartment, family, household, home town or homeland by October if you act firmly, now.
Your ruler the Moon is one half of an eclipse across the 15th-17th when travel, communication, transportation are affected. Life is unclear then.
The 19th-25th reminds you that babies, children, or the generation born 20+ years after you should be fun. Seeds sown now bloom in 2018.
Seek expertise and experience when handling your former, current or potential partner. Also enemies, rivals or opponents. Be strategic now.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Get things in writing where your money, property, charity or business is concerned by September 9th. Read the fine print, after that.
Do all you can to build the project, concept plan or superb communication solution that appears from September 10th. It’s a winner.
Skip the 15th-17th for bank, house, apartment or company decisions as your ruler the Sun is involved in a lunar eclipse. Life is unclear then. The 19th-25th sees a natural high involving your house, apartment, family, home town, homeland or household. Sow seeds for October 2017 then.
Reshuffles affecting your paid or unpaid work will occur by February. Skip people politics in the last week to keep it civilised and simple.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Babies, children, or those born 20+ years later raise power and control questions in the final week. Be the boss of yourself and nobody else.
The most fantastic publishing, multimedia or worldwide web project in years will take off in 12 months if you use September’s little options.
Skip the 15th-17th for Me Agenda questions and action plans, or those involving your former, current or potential partner. Enemies, too.
You will make or save a lot of money, or benefit from a home, car or other gift/loan by 2017, following a big ‘Yes’ from you this month.
Sign off on makeovers, promotion, new titles, relaunches or other image issues by the 9th. If you have to persist later, allow for changes.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Your life behind the scenes – or your big secret – matters less from 9th September. Try to wrap up the rewards then, or allow for changes later.
You will be thrilled with your new look, title, image, role or profile by this time next year so take the first lucky step now. It’s a win by 2017.
The eclipse effect from the 15th-17th means low visibility on crucial work, housework, university or body issues. Can one obscured question wait?
If you want to make or save a fortune in 2018, pay attention to the smallest clues, signs and options which appear in September. Say yes.
Make September-February 2017 easier by refusing to play power games over your family, town, country, house, apartment or household.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Sidestep questions about who/what is in control with the internet, publishing, multimedia or basic communication. Seal a new deal by December 1st.
You will be dazzled with your new look, title, image or role in 2018 thanks partly to the tiniest beginnings in September – all so hard to resist.
Choose another time for big priorities involving friends, groups, babies, children or younger adults, as the eclipse near the 16th is unhelpful.
The really special outcomes by 2017 will be the result of you operating behind the scenes or covering up a secret. Miss Invisible? Just say yes.
Tidy up choices about your group and friends by September 9th for the best outcome, as after that date you will hit changes, delays, u-turns.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Success is timing and wherever your ambitions point, try to finalise agreements by the 9th as from that point it becomes just a bit too hard.
You are set for tremendous happiness, satisfaction and practical rewards with particular friends or groups. Seize the day.
The 15th-17th is eclipse time so skip that period for career, university, unpaid work, house, apartment, family or household priorities. A delicious part of your life which involves covering up secrets, disappearing from sight or operating behind the scenes tempts you now.
Don’t let people politics or power plays affect the financial, property, ownership, business or charity question. Sort this out by 1st December.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
Willpower and self-control make you the boss (firmly) of your own photographs, title, name and image. Finish the process by December 1st.
Great times with good friends and tempting social events with your group, provide tiny clues to something epic and wonderful in 2018.
The 15th-17th is an unclear time for travel, the worldwide web, your telephone, multimedia, transport or publishing. What isn’t shown now?
By October a career obstacle will melt, or a long overdue step to stunning success will be yours. Expect historic signatures or handshakes.
September 9th is a good deadline to finalise the crucial details of your trip, book, website, course, move or degree. Expect changes later on.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
To make or save the most money (or cash in kind) without delays or alterations, get it in writing and finalise agreement by the 9th.
A very special part of the world (or its locals) promises the biggest and the best by 2017 with high hopes now and confirmation in October.
Skip the 15th-17th for judgement calls or action plans involving finance, property, business, possessions or charity. Details are missing.
Fantastic success opportunities in 2018 begin in the smallest, random way in September when one person, organisation or plan tempts you.
Remember all your hard-won lessons about operating behind the scenes or covering up secrets since 2008 and put them to good use.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
The domination game is old and boring, no matter if this is about friends or groups. Find other ways to pursue a new arrangement. Soon.
You will be overjoyed at your relocation, emigration plan or ambitious overseas trip in late 2017 or 2018 as a result of tiny connections now.
Skip the eclipse on the 15th-17th for judgements or action plans about your image, partner, title, former partner, potential partner or enemies.
You are about to make or save a small fortune or benefit from free access to what you want from life. Say yes once, twice and three times.
Make your former, current or potential partner a priority in the first week and wrap everything up by the 9th as a state of flux arrives thereafter.
Are you ready for the astrological event of the decade? On September 10th 2016, Jupiter moves into Libra, the sign which rules love. It means life-altering, positive relationship changes for everyone over the next 12 months. Jessica has created 12 guides, exclusively for Get The Gloss, centered around your Venus Sign horoscope for love and relationships for the next 12 months and more. Click here to find your Venus Sign and get your guide.
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