What do your July stars have in store? Astrologer Jessica Adams charts your month ahead
Spend the first two weeks on your town, country, house, apartment, family or household. Two weeks of total focus will reward you for six months.
The final fortnight is about a lover who can bring the world of children or teenagers closer – or the younger generation as a whole. Big new beginning!
Use all the solutions and opportunities coming your way and your lifestyle will be upgraded sensationally within weeks. Snap up advantages.
For real career power, summon up all your self-control and be the boss of your own success. Unless you do this, old patterns will keep you stuck.
You are in a fantastic position to address your number one body issue, this month. It may be medical, or just superficial, but reach for answers.
The internet, multimedia, publishing or other mediums for your voice, words or ideas will take up huge amounts of time and energy. It’s worth it.
The beautiful patterns in Leo will bring an amazing new chapter for your family, house, country, town, apartment or household with a fresh start in August.
The world of children, young adults or the lovers who may introduce you to it, one day, should be your priority as lucky Jupiter lights up your chart.
At last, you will close a chapter that never ended, involving your former, current or potential partner. You will see movement in the closing days of July.
If you took on a rival, enemy or opponent you could not match, you may have wasted time or energy, yet near July 27th you can liberate yourself. Move on.
It’s all about your money, house, apartment, charity, possessions or business in July. Milestone decisions are coming and will alter your life.
A glittering stellium in your internet, multimedia and communication zone highlights a remarkable project or piece of technology with rewards coming rapidly.
Your lifestyle, housework and paid (or unpaid) work has remained unresolved for months as it has been impossible to finalise things – yet progress is close.
Make your house, home town, homeland, apartment, family or household the absolute priority as you will gain enormously if you pursue one huge goal.
Smart Gemini people will use astrology to their advantage and fly the flag for Britain, or their home county, with lucky Jupiter in this zone of their chart.
The final half of July is all about your money, property, business, possessions or charity so prepare for some serious number-crunching.
Target your internet, multimedia, publishing or academic goals and wrap it up before Mercury Retrograde Shadow begins on 10th August.
You will relaunch yourself on the New Moon with a new look, publicity or self-promotion. It won’t change your life but it will influence your month.
Your opponent, rival or enemy is shown by powerful Pluto in your opposite sign. Don’t pursue this in July as the astrological weather is unfavourable.
Questions about who (or what) dominates your relationship with a former, current or potential partner are intense and need deep thought now.
You will be the star of the show this summer with a dazzling line-up of heavenly bodies in Leo, your own sign. A new look does you huge favours by August.
With Pluto in your body zone, unless you use self-discipline to control your food and fitness, you will not find the empowerment you deserve. Be strong.
You will save or make a fortune if you set goals to be completed by the first week of August. Do some fast talking or paperwork and prepare for prosperity.
Don’t be surprised if your time and energy are taken up with a secret you must cover up, or a role behind the scenes. After that, it’s relaunch time for you.
Near July 27th Juno and Diana meet in your home zone. A major house, apartment, family, household, home town or homeland commitment is waiting.
The most stuck situation in years affecting your internet, multimedia, publishing or other communication priorities shifts from late July.
Your group, club, team or social media tribe is at the heart of a big new beginning near 4th July or you will join a new network of people who change your life.
Focus hard on your face, name, shape, title and image and snap up one opportunity after another to make this A Very Virgo Summer. It’s all about you.
You will be absorbed by a secret you cannot share, or a role firmly behind the scenes, in the final fortnight with a major decision in early August.
From 29th July a financial, property or business issue from 2015 will boomerang back. Put a price on freedom again. It’s exactly the same old issue!
A new chapter in your career, unpaid work or university life will begin close to Monday 4th July then be put to the test a fortnight later.
A change in the balance of power will affect your house, apartment or family near the 7th when you must also accept changes affecting your country.
From 12th July put all your time, energy and lust for life into the group project or team effort involving a great friend. It’s a social, stunning summer for you.
From 14th July, do target the secret you are covering up or a role you play behind the scenes. It’s also a great time for psychic or psychological interests.
From 29th July you will see a replay of love life issues from 2015 as independence is a key question. If single your ex may reappear shortly.
The New Moon near 4th July brings a fresh start for your foreign, travel, internet or education agenda. What you complete by August alters your direction.
The truth about the internet or multimedia is that only one thing works and that is huge self-discipline. It is your path to feeling empowered.
From 14th July, you will be in a stunning position with your career, unpaid work or university degree and despite the holiday season, can target goals.
People power movements, rock bands and other groups in your world are your best and biggest ticket to good fortune with rapid results for you.
From 29th July an old body issue from 2015 will return, enabling you to draw on what you learned last year and ultimately make one final choice.
You could easily land a promotion, new job, hot project, award, outstanding result, internship or wonderful unpaid role if you focus your energy.
A question about the world of children, teenagers (or the lovers who could take you there) which dates from last year will be back in a big way from the 29th.
July brings the most important financial, property or business decisions for months, so take your time. The outcome will influence your life to Christmas.
Australasia or the Americas will lure you in the final two weeks of the month, thanks to export or travel options. Visitors from either have intriguing options.
Nothing has progressed as it should, or been properly resolved, with your secrets or your role behind the scenes. Things shift from late July.
Your former, current or potential partner will preoccupy you in the first two weeks with a keynote decision that influences the next six months.
You stand to gain from a financial, property or business episode that begins in a big way halfway through July, with a fresh start for you in August.
You have gone nowhere fast with a friendship issue or an unresolved group question. This shifts, once and for all, as July ends. It’s over by early August.
Spectacular options in long-haul travel destinations, or the fascinating choices offered by people who speak your language with an accent, spell Y-E-S.
There has never been a better time to teach or study (even for fun) and to explore unofficial ways to mentor, guide and instruct. It will change your life.
You have life-altering choices to make about your former, current or potential partner in the final two weeks of July with a major chapter in early August.
Do all you can to make or save money in July with the signatures or verbal handshakes in place by the first week of August. Your luck is definitely in.
The first week of July brings an important new beginning with paid work, housework or unpaid work and your final choice affects the rest of 2016.
Your body will be your priority at the New Moon on July 4th when a major choice about your food, doctor, drink, drugs, healer or fitness is waiting.
If you have a rival, enemy or opponent then take your time as the final outcome by early August will be with you beyond 2016. Plot, plan, research!
Children, teenagers or the lover who can bring them into your life one day, dominates a decision near 4th July. By August the outcome changes your year.
A superb opportunity or stunning solution will help you improve the quality of the relationship you have with a former, current or potential partner – rapidly.
A weak opponent could help you enormously in July. Alternatively an irritating rival could be the grit that makes the pearl in your oyster, so do use this.
The final fortnight brings remarkable chances to upgrade and improve your working day. By the first week of August you are ready for a major fresh start.
Put your body first once a dazzling stellium in Leo begins to take shape, from 15th July, and you will be amazed at new options, suggestions or treatments.
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