We spoke to food blogger Anya Kassoff about her top cooking tip and where she gets her recipe inspiration…

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Food blogger  Anya Kassoff  believes in food that is not only tasty, but also has health benefits. Born in Russia, Anya moved to the United States and has been gathering recipe inspiration ever since.

From raw honey maca pancakes to raw pad thai and wild blueberry daisy cake to tarragon mint ice cream, Anya has a selection of fun, healthy and delicious meals to get you busy in the kitchen…

What do you hope people will take away from your blog?

I hope to inspire people to cook more at home, to get to know seasonal produce, and not to be afraid of exploring new ingredients and techniques. I always try to be conscious about giving helpful, practical ideas for healthier meals, no matter how carried away I get with some of my more experimental recipes.

Which 5 things would we find in your fridge?

A variety of green leafy vegetables, homebrewed kombucha, nut milk, miso paste and sesame tahini.

What’s your personal food philosophy?

Flavourful, seasonal, colourful, light and new.

What’s your top cooking tip?

Work with seasonal ingredients - your meals will be cheaper and more flavourful.

Where do you get your recipe ideas from?

It varies all the time - I generally get very inspired when I go to the market and when I travel. I also read lots of cookbooks and food blogs, and pick up ideas along the way. I even think of new recipes while sleeping - sometimes I wake up with a new idea I saw in a dream.

Check out Anya's  blog  and cookbook,  The Vibrant Table