And they are surprisingly simple. Here’s how she gets her glow on

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I love mornings - watching the sunrise. It's that perfect quiet time when I can accomplish so much after a fresh night’s sleep.

For me, the secret to becoming a morning person starts with prep the night before. At night, I do yoga and have a Sleep Welle Calming Tea  formulated with valerian, skullcap and hops to calm the body and mind. It is my ritual. I try to get at least seven hours sleep then start my day as holistically as possible.

I use to believe that I could survive on a few hours’ sleep. I now aim for at least seven hours per night. I have learned the importance of sleep - to wake up and be able to concentrate and approach the day ahead efficiently and effectively.

When the boys were younger they were a great alarm clock, but now it’s me getting them out of bed! I use a battery operated alarm clock  with a gentle chime, but usually, I wake myself around 5:30am!

I’m blessed as it’s most often light by 7am where I live in Miami. I love cosy dark mornings too. I step outside into the humidity and breathe in the night air. I do have lie-ins though - weekends are my favourites.

When it comes to good habits, I believe in keeping things simple - clean food, fresh air, clear sleep. I never have electronics close to my bed. I have a no screens policy on awakening or an hour before bed. I try to stretch phone contact to after school drop and or after I work out. I make sure to practice a vinyasa flow yoga, the rewards are so great so it’s worth it. I like the fact that one has to be really conscious within the practice. I love to take classes – it’s a community.

MORE ELLE: How I get great legs

7 things I do every morning

1. Break-the-fast with hot water and lemon.

I find it’s a nice way to gently wake the body and kick-start my metabolism. I used to have two strong espressos first thing to ramp-up my energy, but all it did was deplete my adrenals. Now if I feel I need a boost, I add cayenne pepper and agave to lemon water – it really works!

2. Meditation.

Instead of hitting the gym, I start my morning with meditation, resist looking at screens and instead focus on absolute stillness. It’s become an essential morning practice. I find it sets me up for the day and makes me feel balanced and connected.

3. Setting intentions for the day ahead.

This is important to me - remembering my purpose in all I do.

4. Hot and cold showers.

I start by dry brushing my body starting from the feet and working up towards my heart. Then take hot and cold showers to encourage circulation. I love using our limited edition WelleCo Japanese Green Tea Salt Scrub  in the shower followed by an all-over moisturiser using products by  Natura Bissé . I use Lost Explorer  skin products too. The range is 100 per cent natural and beautifully curated.

5. Drink my Super Elixir Greens.

These are my non-negotiables - two teaspoons of Super Elixir  in filtered water provide my body’s 11 systems with everything needed for the day ahead.

6. Get some fresh air, sunshine and exercise.

These are essential for me every morning. I love to get outside, move my body and explore. Oh and having a good belly laugh.

7. Mid-morning chocolate mousse.

My treat is a drink that’s like a chocolate mousse [to see Elle make it click here] .

I put in an avocado, a big scoop of W elleCo Nourishing Plant Protein Peruvian Chocolate , half a scoop of Super Elixir Greens and water. I blend it in the NutriBullet, and it becomes like a chocolate mousse. It is a great way for me to give my body clean protein,  greens, good healthy fats and hydration all at once.

Love, Elle x

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