Designed to make you rethink what you are putting in to your body, Chris James’s 12 Days Cleanse will help make old (and unhealthy) habits die hard
With our hectic and busy lifestyles, it’s easy to be left feeling run down, groggy and... well, just plain gross. But this can all change with Chris James’s revolutionary 12 Days Cleanse. The plan is split into four phases: Preparation Phase, Pre-Purification Phase, Power Phase and Maintenance Phase, all of which are three days long. Each phase is formulated to help you eliminate toxins from the body and increase your energy levels to create a brand new you.
In your pack, you’ll receive a combination of high grade supplements and cleansing agents which have been sourced from around the world with Chris’s expertise in yoga, detoxification and ayurveda. Chris has also included a comprehensive booklet, which includes some healthy and delicious recipes to keep you on track, and a Buddhi Bath, detoxifying Himilayan crystal salts which soothe tired muscles and leave your skin extremely soft and smooth.
To some, the plan may seem quite demanding. In order to achieve optimum results, you need to follow dietary guidelines and will be advised to cut meat, dairy, bread, pasta, alcohol and caffeine from your diet. Coming from somebody who has a soft spot for carbs, I admit it is hard at first but the benefits are completely worth it. You’ll be left more toned, radiant and feeling healthier than ever before.
Over the 12 days, you’ll undergo blood and tissue regeneration and get scrubbed from the inside out as internal cleansers work to rejuvenate every organ, gland and tissue in the body. The benefits are endless: it will help you lose weight, get better sleep, have glowing skin, digest food easier, feel more energetic, clear headed and, most importantly, relaxed. A healthier and happier body is just a mere 12 days away.
Chris James 12 Days Cleanse, £120, available here