Share your healthy snaps for a chance to win a trip of a lifetime to the home of the chia seed

Any products in this article have been selected editorially however if you buy something we mention, we may earn commission

January is always a time for trying to make more health consicous choices and this year The Chia Co  are making those healthy decisions a whole lot more worthwhile with the annoucement of an exciting new competition .

The lucky winner will blag flights for themseleves and a friend to Australia where they will visit the pristine Kimberley region, home of The Chia Co farms, and experience the magnificent outback – walking the Emma Gorge trail, cruising on Lake Argyle - before discovering the stunning beaches of Perth.

For a chance to win this amazing prize you simply need to purchase a product from  The Chia Co  and share a snap of your #healthierplace on Instagram with @thechiaco.

Full details can be found  here .