If you're a fan of the viral cottage cheese bread that has recently taken social media by storm - we are! - try cottage cheese protein pancakes. Zoe, the personalised diet programme, says it's their most downloaded recipe ever. with 142,000 Instagram saves. No surprise, with 31g protein per recipe and bags of fibre, they not only keep you full but feed your good gut bacteria.
The secret is in the combination, says Zoe: "Combining carb-containing foods with a source of fibre, protein or fat can slow the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the blood leading to a smaller blood sugar spike which may help you to feel fuller for longer."
The premise is simple with three key protein-rich ingredients: oats and cottage cheese, both of which have a hefty 10g of protein per 100g, and one egg (13g protein).
I tried their latest twist on the original recipe with lemon zest and blueberries. Once you have mastered the basic mix (egg, cottage cheese, oats, pinch of baking powder) you can pretty much freestyle your added flavours, making cottage cheese protein pancakes a versatile year-round blood-sugar balancing breakfast. I made six pancakes from the mix in a matter of minutes – that's one large or two small stacks. And they are delicious. I'm someone who normally gets hungry mid-morning, but this kept me full, without me feeling at all sluggish.