Stuffed with shocking sugar-truths, The Sweet Poison Quit Plan is sure to have you kicking the habit in no time

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If you’ve ever wanted to kick the sweet tooth sugar habit, we may have just found your man. By David Gillespie, The Sweet Poison Quit Plan is a book designed to lay your sugar addiction bare, and then break it clean in two. From the hidden sugar in our diets to confusing supermarket labels, the book covers the many sweet entrappings of modern day living and provides a clean, clear and - most importantly - sugar-free plan for the new healthier you.

With sections on the importance of having the right attitude, how to eliminate sugar from your diet and a journey into the murky world of substitute sweeteners, The Sweet Poison Quit Plan is crammed full of all the know-how you could ever need to go sugar-free. Gillespie even lists our favourite foods (think hash browns, red wine and sweet chilli sauce) and their sugar content - and once you realise a McDonald’s Low Fat Blueberry Muffin contains a shocking NINE teaspoons of sugar, you’ll understand the problem he preaches about the sweet stuff that’s hidden in our foods.

If that wasn’t enough, the book also contains a handy meal planner for healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners, and a host of mouth-watering recipes on everything from homemade tomato sauce to sugar-free royal raspberry tart. If you’re desperate to kick the sugar habit but aren’t sure where to start, David Gillespie’s Sweet Poison Quit Plan is all set to become your new best friend.

The Sweet Poison Quit Plan (Penguin) by David Gillespie, £7.99, available to  buy online