Looking for a healthy but hearty breakfast? This blueberry smoothie from expert nutritionist Vicki Edgson fills the hole if you're on the 5:2

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If you’re looking for an alternative to porridge in the mornings, this blueberry and almond milk smoothie recipe is great. Packed-full of healthy ingredients, whiz it up in a matter of minutes and drink it fresh, or stick it in the fridge to make a mousse-like treat for later.

Serves: 1

Calories: 140


1 punnet blueberries, washed and drained

200ml sugar-free almond milk

1 Chia shot (1 tsp)

Juice 1/2 lemon

Cooking instructions:

1. Blend all ingredients until smooth and serve at room temperature.

Tip: If you make this the evening before and leave it in the fridge overnight, the Chia seeds will swell with the blueberries, and you will have a mousse-like pudding for breakfast instead.