What are the best things that a Life Coach has learned about life? We found out
When it comes to matters of the mind, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Life Coach Jacqueline Hurst is regarded as an expert in her field. With a private practice that specialises in treating those with emotional worries including anxiety and confidence issues and those struggling with body image, she’s helped a multitude of clients to think more positively and productively in order to achieve their goals and lead happier, healthier lives.
So what are the most important life lessons learned by the Life Coach herself? We caught up with Jacqueline to find out what makes the mind of a mind expert tick...
The best things I’ve learned about...
That there is no such thing, that failure doesn’t exist and that I learn from everything I do - it’s simply feedback of either how to do it better next time or that it wasn’t meant to happen that way and something better is coming.
Switching off
That it is imperative. I work really hard with clients and students every day and I expend a lot of mental energy. Switching off is the key to a balanced life for me. It takes discipline and yet it’s the best gift you can give yourself.
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That it is natural, and nothing to be ashamed of. That it’s up to the individual to do what they want to do with their own ageing process. As I work with the mind, I think it’s imperative to mention that with ageing comes some lovely gifts like knowledge and so much more confidence and that in itself is beautiful in my opinion.
That it doesn’t make you happy. Of course it helps but it is not the be all and end all of life.
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Not to use my manual! I think we all have a manual for others in life - what we think they should do, what they should say, how they should act and it gets us into trouble. We believe that because we do things a certain way, others should do it our way or else they are ‘wrong’. Leaving that manual on the shelf creates a much happier life for me!
Hiring staff
Listen to your gut.
Confidence at work
To have your own back! Being 100% confident in what you do is key to being great at your job.
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A working wardrobe
Is one that you feel comfortable in. In my opinion, confidence is the greatest outfit you will ever wear.
My friends laugh at me that I am the most organised person they know. I believe that an organised mind leads to an organised life.
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The digital age
That I have to switch off regularly and that it is important to not let social media or being connected online take away from personal interaction. I have learned that whether I am connecting with people face to face, in a meeting, over dinner, lunch, coffee etc., the phone stays in my bag as it is not to disrupt that personal connection.
Office politics
To rise above it.
For information on Jacqueline’s private practice, visit www.jacquelinehurst.com and to find out more about her virtual school, check out www.thelifeclass.com .
Follow us @getthegloss , Jacqueline @jhurstcoaching and Ayesha @Ayesha_Muttu .
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