What do the stars have in store for the first week of August? Astrologer Jessica Adams has your predictions

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Children, young adults or the lovers who might bring them into your life one day, play a big part in your life in August. Write the new chapter as you wish, from Monday 1st-Wednesday 3rd. You must also hurry with your biggest priorities regarding paid or unpaid work, your lifestyle, daily routine and housework. As the week ends you will be shown what to do, when to do it – and why. Get signatures out of the way by next Wednesday.


You have stunning potential (still) where babies, children or young adults are concerned. This also applies to lovers who might usher them into your life one day. Do all you can before Wednesday next week as you will hit delays, changes or reversals from that point forward. You will decorate, settle into holiday accommodation, move, reshuffle the household, make family plans or welcome a major change with your town/country as the week begins. August is about your home.


Welcome the clever answers and stunning solutions which surround a family, accommodation, house, home town, homeland, flatmate or apartment question this week. Make sure you get everything finalised before your ruler Mercury goes Retrograde Shadow from next Wednesday. Your way with words, images and ideas is very important at the moment and you will start with a blank sheet of paper, or a rewrite, very close to Tuesday 2nd August. Wish on the New Moon then.


There has never been a better time to push all the buttons with your project, idea, blog, social media, book, course or multimedia plan. This has been a long time coming but you need to perfect what you know is a great plan. Do so before it starts sliding backwards and forwards from next Wednesday, as it may not be until October that you have the final outcome. You are off to a flying start with your business interests, money, accommodation, house, apartment, charity or precious possessions this week. Time for a decision.


You will relaunch your name, image, profile, wardrobe, shape or body near the New Moon in Leo on Tuesday 2nd August. Near Friday 5th August there is a brilliant solution for your money, house, business interests, apartment, charity or precious possessions. Closer to Sunday 7th August you will must work harder for the financial or property wisdom and pinpoint precision required. It’s worth it. Try to finalise paperwork before Wednesday 10th.


It’s all about the way you look and appear at the moment, and there are smart solutions which can help with your reputation, image, title, profile or name. Snap them up and push this as far and fast as possible before next Wednesday, if you can. Your ruler Mercury will go retrograde shadow after that date and although luck is still on your side, it may take you the long way round. Secrets, an invisible role or more mysterious matters will trigger a fresh start on, or close to, Tuesday 2nd.


Your social life, social media, old friends, group commitments and team spirit is at the heart of an important new beginning (or maybe more than one) early in the week. This is also the moment you need to tap the incredible potential of a role behind the scenes; classified information; confidential concerns; esoteric matters. This is the last time you will be in such a fantastic position to take full advantage of aspects of yourself, and your life, which are unfathomable – even to your closest friends.


Your luck is with you, as you can see from satisfying developments involving old friends, new friends and the groups which matter so much to you. Your network consists of overlapping circles, but one of these in particular will reward you with solutions or opportunities. Move quickly on these to avoid delays, changes or even u-turns next month. Your career, unpaid work or university degree is at the core of a big new beginning, early in the week, which influences you long-term.


You come into your own when you explore and expand your horizons. You will now do this by travelling, or just travelling in the mind. What begins this week will set you on a new course across your district, country or the world. For some, a website, book or course will be involved. Look at the fantastic solution staring you in the face, where your career, unpaid work or university degree is concerned. It will be a long time before you come across such a wise option, but try to sign or accept the signature before next Wednesday, as delays, changes or u-turns are likely after that day.


The Virgo patterns in your chart reveal tremendous potential – but not for long. Move quickly to snap up solutions or opportunities in another district, region or country. Alternatively it may be people with different accents, passports or postcodes who supply the big answers and open doors. Try to organise things by the middle of next week at the latest to ensure smooth progress. A financial, property, charity or business chapter will be written in a new way, or even from scratch, following this week’s New Moon.


Your former, current or potential partner? Your enemy, rival or opponent? You have a new beginning in store with this person and in some cases, there will be a pregnancy ahead, or fresh commitments involving your children. The stunning open door which now leads you to special financial, business, property, shopping, selling or charity solutions will not stay open forever. Know when you are being shown something utterly sensible and try to organise the paperwork before the paper trail or voicemail over the next few weeks starts to hold you up – or even change the shape of it all.


Time is running out if you want to snap up solutions and opportunities involving your former, current or potential partner. This also applies to your rival, enemy or opponent. Clever answers are available and your luck holds for weeks – yet you may prefer to get things in writing or reach a handshake agreement before next Wednesday, as Mercury goes retrograde shadow from that date. Your lifestyle, paid work, unpaid work or course is at the heart of a new beginning Monday-Wednesday which lets you set a different agenda for the rest of the year.

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