What do your stars have in store this week? Astrologer Jessica Adams has your horoscope predictions
It’s the fine details of working and living which lend themselves to discussion, at the moment. This is not just about solutions for your paid or unpaid work, or your university degree – it is also about your physical condition. The shape you’re in, and the state you’re in, can’t be separated from what you do for others. Service and duty are all very well but there has to be a complete answer, and you will be happy to know it is here. Try to finalise the details in the first half of the week. If you can’t do that, make allowances for delays or changes later on.
The nature of your social life, old friendships, social media and formal group commitments (like a team or club) is so important now. Everything is so wide open that life can become muddled, or even messy. Only you can address that by weeding out the biggest problems or putting some firm rules in place for yourself. Brilliant answers which could change everything with (or for) children are here. This also applies to other people’s children or teenagers, too. A lover who could make you an aunt, parent or step-parent one day if things became serious between you is another possibility. Whatever you planted in your personal or family life a few months ago will now pay off, as welcome thunderbolts change everything. You will love what unfolds when destiny decides it's time for you to mentor, guide or lead a much younger generation.
You are the contestant with the right answer, and the buzzer is in front of you, Gemini. Your special subject is your people and your place. The house or flat. Your family or household. Your town or country. Ask questions as often as you give the correct answer, and you will be in a stunning position. Allow for changes, delays or even reversals after Wednesday, though, as September could bring stop-start progress unless you sign on the dotted line, or shake hands firmly, by midweek. Your career, unpaid work, full-time parent role or university degree shows a definite need for boundaries. Contain and control things now.
The internet, multimedia, publishing, education, your telephone, microphone or computer all offer incredible outcomes. The trick is timing. What is under discussion will be reshaped along the way, with delays, in September so be ready. If you can aim to snap up opportunities and solutions, to be heard (or read) at the biggest and best level in years – with rescheduling or delays woven in – that’s a smart astro-strategy for the next few weeks. Try to launch or have total closure on this chapter by September 9th, though, as the typical zig-zag motion of Mercury Retrograde (starting its shadow on Wednesday) will result in peculiar situations, which will ultimately still offer answers or big rewards, yet need to be well and truly finished by the 9th of next month if you are to still get the benefits, despite the standstills and stop-start.
Do all you can to finalise the financial, business, property or shopping paperwork by Wednesday. Anything you organise after that date may go backwards and forwards in September as Mercury Retrograde Shadow is about to begin. You are in a fantastic position. There are big answers and major opportunities. It is also time to address the most important question of all, about your income, bank account, company, house or apartment – and that’s the lack of boundaries.
The lines in the sand with your former, current or potential partner keep washing away. This also applies to your enemy, opponent or rival. Try to contain and control what is going on, or you will confuse yourself as much as others. Fantastic possibilities for your brand, personal appearance, title, role or reputation are here. Do all you can before Wednesday as from that point forward, the story will stop and start, throughout September. Make allowances for that if you know the discussion or plan is ongoing.
This is your last great opportunity to squeeze the most out of your secrets, or your life behind the scenes. You may also have more mysterious or esoteric interests to pursue. In all cases, the answers are there, but do all you can by Wednesday, Libra. Your daily routine, paid work, unpaid work, course or lifestyle needs a close look. You can double that message if your health is a concern. To avoid that familiar feeling of being all at sea, stop drifting and floating. Look for structure, rules and an outsider with common-sense advice.
The younger faces who inherit the legacy of your personality – if not your actual DNA – are important now. So is paid or unpaid work involving a much younger generation. Lovers who could bring this generation into your life could also be at the centre of decisions now. In all cases, it is time to put some rules back in, or perhaps apply them for the first time. You need to ring-fence what is going on, or set firm boundaries with those who do not know what they are. Wonderful solutions which could turn an episode involving your group (and friends) into something special are here. Wrap it up!
If you leave the stunning options beyond Wednesday, you may be fielding delays, changes or reversals for weeks, so accept what is on the table with your paid work, university degree or unpaid work and proceed to Go! The time is also right to look at your house, apartment, family, household, town or country. Ask yourself why things have become so confused and confusing and take firm steps to address the rather shapeless situation which has emerged. Only you can pull this together. Boundaries is the magic word.
It’s all about the internet, multimedia, travel, commuting, publishing, education, academia or foreign influences. If you can organise and streamline what is going on, you will gain. Excellent win-win outcomes are possible and it’s down to you to nail the discussion or agree to the decision by Wednesday. After that date, you will find Mercury Retrograde Shadow takes over and it may not be until the end of September or early October that everything has come out in the wash. It’s time to look at how you are heard and read, how you travel, how you teach or study – and so much more.
This is one of the most important periods of the year for your financial, business, charity or property concerns. Address a situation which has become all bent out of shape, or one which is very hard to see clearly. You may need to treat this as a special case which needs firm handling and a sharp eye, if you are to avoid getting in any deeper. Clever answers and promising outcomes are possible and you could make or save a small fortune, even in a day or two. Try to resolve everything by Wednesday. If you can’t, at least allow for waiting games in September, or reversals.
Soon, the story will be about your money, and perhaps a property or business. Now, the story is very much about the man or woman upon whom so much depends. You may see yourselves as a partnership. You may see yourselves at loggerheads. Strangely enough, the relationship you have with each other is less important than the stunning solution which is now staring you in the face. Act quickly, Pisces, as after Wednesday you could be on a long and winding road. Signatures in particular should be inked before Mercury goes Retrograde Shadow, midweek. This is also the time to clarify your title, image, profile, reputation or other ‘Me’ concerns.
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