Top tips from the experts to keep you looking fresh-faced and beautiful this March
Perfect blend
International make-up artist and beauty expert Daniel Sandler says the key to good make-up is all about how you put it on.
"It’s not necessarily what make-up you wear, it’s how you apply it. My mantra is blend, blend and blend some more!"
Star-struck beauty
"Always line up hair and beauty changes when the sun is in your sign (near your birthday) as you will be given the best, true picture of how you really look - and what to do about it," advises Jessica Adams, psychic astrologer and celebrated author.
Fuzz control
"Even when freshly shaved, many women suffer from unsightly shadowing under their arms," says Carleigh Rayner, Training Manager at Strip Wax Boutique. "Waxing will prevent this as the hair is pulled from the root."
Low fat farce
"Low-fat products: avoid them. They all have added sugar, so while the fat content may be reduced the sugar content is increased," says Amelia Freer, nutritional therapist.