World famous astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what's in store for your star sign this week
You can do a great deal to protect the future of your working life this week, and also look after your own body. Prevention is better than cure. Forewarned is forearmed. If there are two areas of your life which you can not only safeguard but positively improve between now and September 2016, it is your lifestyle and your job, university degree or unpaid position. Your friendships and group involvements look positively Bacchanalian after Wednesday, yet be aware of the need to share and compromise with friends or others in the group until 28th January. There are emotional questions here about who has control over what (or whom). This applies no matter if your group is UKIP, or you work as part of a power pussy posse with other women. You’ll love the hedonism but be aware of the politics. On Saturday, be aware of a long and drawn-out episode involving your career, voluntary role or degree. The news which reaches you then about a change in the balance of power is not firm and this story will be held up - and alter shape - more than once by 13th February. Read the fine print accordingly and make allowances for reversals or long waiting games.
Solid karma returns to you, assisting you with your son, youth project, godchild, daughter, young relative - or a serious sexual relationship which could make you an aunt, godmother or stepmother one day. You are in a strong position to look after the future and nip something in the bud before it becomes an issue. Looking further ahead, this far younger generation will bring you tremendous happiness by September 2016. Your career, university life or unpaid work brings good times and natural highs this week, as Bacchus enters your job zone. As you might expect, this is a rather boozy week, Christmas notwithstanding. Be gently aware of the politics around you, though, as at some point between now and 28th January there must be a different roster - perhaps literally - and certainly the controls will need to be shared very differently. The week ends with a reminder that your travel, education, internet, foreign or publishing agenda will move backwards and forwards until 13th February. I have mentioned this before so I hope you have already prepared your diary. Anything from extreme weather to x factors will have an impact on your trips, course, website, blog, book or long-distance connection so be practical and allow more time and space.
Your house, home town, homeland, apartment, family or household is at the heart of smart decisions about the future - principally in terms of protecting it. There is more to this than meets the eye, though, and what you are offered now is part of an overall pattern of improvement, developing in leaps and bounds until September 2016. Belonging to a place or a person - really belonging - is the theme now. Bacchus changes signs on Wednesday suggesting the pleasure principle is alive and kicking with foreign people and places, the internet, academia, education, travel or publishing. Perhaps even a heady mixture of all those ingredients! Just be aware that until the 28th January you will be involved in a long compromise, where everything must be negotiated and divided. From Saturday, you enter the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. As he is your ruler, keep an eye on the discussions or paperwork about your house, money, business, apartment or possessions as what is in motion now, could easily stall, go backwards or even come to nothing by 13th February. Read the fine print accordingly and do try to get things in writing.
An important discussion, piece of news or message about (or affecting) your partner is scheduled near Saturday. This also applies to your former or potential partner too. Should an arch enemy matter more to you than this, it could easily be your foe who is at the heart of the information. Make sure you factor in the potential for delays, changes or even complete u-turns with this. It’s a long and winding road with him (or her) until Valentine’s Day, and assuming anything is fixed, final or finished is a mistake on this Mercury cycle. You are in an intriguing phase in terms of the internet, multimedia, publishing, the spoken or sung word, and all forms of communication. Peer into 2016 and ask yourself what you might do to protect everything - the timing is immaculate now. The money, house, business, possessions, company or apartment will become a source of deep pleasure and good times after Wednesday, yet do keep an eye on the big picture, as in general, the period between here and the end of January 2016 must be devoted to delicate negotiation, fair shares and an agreement over who and what should wield the power. Control is a word that matters a lot.
You can put in some kind of effective shield where your money, business, house, possessions or apartment is concerned, near Monday. The coast is not only clear from this point, it also invites a bit of expansion and optimism for 2016, as one way or another, you will gain or save over the next ten months. I am sure your main motivation for reading your horoscope is your partner. Or is this about a former or potential partner? Bacchus in Aquarius, your opposite sign, from Wednesday reminds you that sheer hedonism is sometimes what you actually need - never mind the high ideals of equal partnership. The real issue until the end of January, at least, is the amount of control you can have in the situation, and a rather delicate and precarious balance of power between you and he (or she) perhaps. If your rival, enemy or opponent matters more to you than a lover, then it is this person who will - funnily enough - provide a bit of pleasure. The week ends with a reminder that when it comes to your working day and your body, life is a process. The process will go backwards and forwards until St. Valentine’s Day so make allowances for anything from extreme weather to computer eccentricity, to get in the way of what would normally be a straightforward situation. You will hit delays or reversals so be prepared.
Matters of image, personal appearance, branding and reputation are here to be shored up for 2016 and you are seldom in this position, when you can do so much to look after your Me Agenda. By your birthday next year you will be delighted at your new levels of popularity, or the satisfaction of knowing that your internet hologram is at last, right. The entry of Bacchus into Aquarius, the sign which rules your working day and your body, is also worth noting this week. There is pure enjoyment to be had from something as simple as doing your duty, and serving others - but also from the mind, body and spirit connection. Longer-term, you have some sorting out to do, and there will be a (very) new year ahead, as by February both your lifestyle and your work will put you in a different place. The fact that your ruler Mercury is about to turn retrograde shadow this weekend is notable. You may prefer not to fix your opinions or finalise your plans too hastily, as when it comes to your son, serious lover (the kind who could bring nieces, nephews or children into your life), godchild, daughter or young relative - this is a moveable feast. Everything tends to move backwards and forwards on this cycle, which will trail off in the middle of February. Until then you may want to treat this as a dress rehearsal or an early sketch. One classic example might be assuming that all the arrangements for your child’s 2016 school term are final. (They will not be).
You are free to pull up a chair at the banquet of life now, and enjoy what is on offer via the world of babies, children or teenagers. There may also be a serious lover in the mix - the kind who could make you a parent, aunt or uncle one day. This revelry is right for a season associated with hilarious nativity plays and mistletoe romance - and children, full stop. Don’t let this distract you for too long from the rather serious business of fashioning a new agreement in your life, though. It will not be complete until the end of January and it will require a certain honesty about your need for control along with everybody else’s. The other key issue now is your house, home town, homeland, family, apartment or household. As discussions, news or paperwork is not fixed, you may prefer to keep an open mind and a rubber alongside your pencil and notebook. By now you have hopefully received enough astrological cautions, not to make this the time you move house or put it on the market - or commit to major household reshuffles. Even if you have, just be aware that the story will slow down, alter shape and even reverse. Read the (very) fine print if it’s about a property transaction, at the very least. In general, you are hitting a classic cycle, familiar to you from Christmas 2009-2014, when every so often you have to accept a change in the balance of power in the family ranks or with flatmates. This time it will be longer and more complex than usual so work around that.
As you’ve already seen a couple of times - happily so - it is your true friends, and the power of a group around you, that can genuinely change your life for the better. Now, you are in a position to safeguard and protect whatever (or whomever) matters most in the name of old friendships and your particular circle. This week is also about your house, family, home town, homeland, household or apartment. Indulge yourself in what is on offer, as Bacchus does not visit this area of your horoscope very often. It will change the atmosphere surrounding what clearly has to be a new arrangement - no later than 28th January. You will need to compromise, negotiate, give way and share in the truest sense of the word. Sharing with someone or ‘something’ is part of what this cycle is all about, at least when it comes to property, home or family. The week ends with your ruler Pluto reminding you that from this point forward, you need to have Plan B with your internet, multimedia, publishing, travel, commuting or public speaking agenda. It may feel as if you have to sign off on something, or accept a particular story as final - yet by January, you will realise that the wheels were already spinning backwards, even as you were nodding your head. All the more reason to be cautious with computers, cars, travel arrangements, printers and so on. It’s always good to have a back-up plan.
You can do something practical and positive to protect your success in life, in the first half of this week. Your upward trajectory is assured in 2016 and by September you should be very happy with your achievements. At the moment, though, it is very much about being wise enough to take preventative measures, ahead of time. The entry of Bacchus into Aquarius also suggests deep pleasure from the simple business of being heard and read. This ancient symbol of pure enjoyment in your zone of internet, multimedia, publishing and the spoken word suggests it’s time to indulge yourself. Over the long-term, though, communication in general is one of those areas of deep change where (by January) you must agree on a new arrangement. The week ends with Mercury on the edge of turning retrograde shadow in your money zone. Property, business, charity and possessions also fall here. What you would normally assume is a quick, straightforward process of discussion, or e-mails, or signatures could take a rather long and winding road. By the middle of February one matter will have gone backwards and forwards for weeks, yet knowing this ahead of time enables you to read the fine print and have Plan B ready.
Everything old is new again at the moment, with foreign people and places, the internet, education or publishing. What went around, comes around (and around). You actually gain this time. Good karma? Possibly. Also a reasonable amount of legwork in the past. Now, you are in a position to protect the future of your course, website, book, trip or foreign involvement and move forward into bigger and better things. The arrival of Bacchus in your zone of money, materialism, charity, property, business and possessions is worth priceless pure pleasure. It may be an early Christmas present you love or a particularly desirable offer. This is a commercial break from the main programme, which is about sharing, dividing, negotiating, compromising and all the rest. The process is long and deep and it will not be complete until January 28th. The week ends with Mercury beginning to turn retrograde in Capricorn, your own sign. This issue about your name, image, appearance, brand or reputation will run and run. It will also run backwards and forwards, and at one point refuse to move on at all. As always at this time of year, the question is - how far are you in control of the way you are seen and appear? Unusually, it will take longer than usual to resolve. Be aware of the potential for delay and change where your name or face is concerned. Something as silly as a printer’s error could affect this.
Bacchus enters Aquarius on Wednesday, into your zone of image, reputation, branding and your personal appearance too. There is a lot here to enjoy. In fact, it’s a positively delicious time worth over-indulging in (just this once). Beyond this, of course, there are more serious questions about how you are seen - and how you appear - and what it will take to make a new arrangement work, by the end of January 2016. The money, business, possessions, house, charity or apartment is also on your radar. You are in a superb position to protect the future and take pre-emptive steps to look after your interests. This is part of an overall long, slow, improvement in your affairs, which will culminate in a couple of high points next year, when you make or save a small fortune. The week ends with a memo from Mercury. The secret you hide, the classified information you conceal, the confidential issues you cover up - or the uncredited effort you put in - now becomes twice as important. Under normal circumstances you would get things over and done with by January, but this will drag on until the middle of February. Make allowances for that as you will hit delays or even a reversal.
As the week begins, the focus is on your former, current or potential partner. The True Node suggests you have been here before, with this person - in this lifetime or quite another. Happily, you in a position to look after 2016 and make sure that various scenarios never come to pass. If your rival, enemy or opponent matters more to you than your past, present or possible lover - then it is this person who is at the core of some very wise measures, taken by you, while the going is good. Midweek, your attention goes towards the secrets you cover up, the classified information you hide or the efforts you make behind the scenes, with no recognition. All of this is hugely enjoyable, and only you know why - yet over the next few weeks, change is inevitable. The week ends with some news, discussion or an important message which makes you look twice at your friendship, and at the group. It may seem as if you have to swing into some kind of response or action plan, but as the situation will take many twists and turns until St. Valentine’s Day you may want to allow for that. There will be delays, changes or reversals, which is typical of the Mercury Retrograde cycle.