Your week ahead courtesy of expert astrologer Jessica Adams
The paperwork, news or discussion very close to Wednesday 26th November gives you a one-month deadline with your financial decision. The house, flat, bank, precious possessions or business may also be involved. You only have one Mercury-Saturn conjunction a year, and you only have it in your money sector in this particular way, once every 29 years. No wonder 2013 and 2014 feel like a watershed to you, yet the reality is, within just a few short months life will be easier, lighter and far more simple than it has been since 2012. No matter how much you feel you are slogging through, just keep going. It helps to know there is an end point. By 2015 you will also begin to see how the previous two years forced you to think very differently about your values. There are some things money cannot buy, and some things you will never sell out for. One final note: from Friday 28th November, Mercury enters Sagittarius, and you must be very careful about what you create in your life next year - as a traveller, exporter, internet user, student, teacher, publisher or writer. Watch what you hear or read, soon after this date. It’s the clue.
Well, at least you now have a lasting bond with your former, current or potential partner. Alternatively you have drawn firm battle lines with your opponent, rival or enemy, which define who you are, and what you are, in the most powerful way. Saturn in Scorpio has done many things in the last two years, but it takes a moment of truth (coming your way near Wednesday 26th November) to put it all in perspective for you. You also have something to sign or accept, or a crucial matter to discuss. It all feels very weighty and loaded, yet this is like shifting boulders. Once this is out of your way, Taurus, you can look forward to a completely different sexual and emotional life in 2015. If the nature of the partnership is professional, then of course it is about work. And for those of you with conflicts or ongoing battles? It’s safe to say that you can sign off from this at Christmas, for reasons you will soon understand. The only remaining issue is the money, the business, the house, the possessions or the flat. What is revealed to you soon after Friday prompts a decision. Take your time. Do your research. Be a conscious realist.
Your ruler Mercury changes signs to Sagittarius, your opposite sign, on Friday 28th November. Your opposite number in life, or your opponent, becomes a source of greater thought, some fresh news and future discussion from that point forward. Husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends and former partners all qualify; so does the crush you never quite manage to shag. Business and professional partners can also be opposite numbers. And opponents? Well, the third person in a love triangle qualifies as much as a bitter work rival. The point is, Mercury is about pure thought and logic. It can also save you a lot of time and trouble in 2015. Whatever emotions are churning, from Friday through to Christmas, do be aware of what you are setting up over the next 12 months, and perhaps the next 24 months. Others have been there before you. What is their experience? If there are legal questions, then who is your best go-to person for expertise? The week is also dominated by Mercury, again, in conjunction with Saturn. What a long, hard road it is has been, in terms of your relationship with your body. Now, you must meet a crucial piece of news, discussion or paperwork with a level gaze and a deep desire for a compromise.
On Wednesday 26th November, Mercury will conjunct Saturn, in an area of your horoscope associated with your children, godchildren and young relatives. By extension this includes projects involving youth, or plans factoring in the very young. Relationships which might usher in pregnancy, adoption or step-parenthood are also in the mix. No matter how arduous a particular discussion or decision is, try to put one foot in front of the other and remember how much easier 2015 will be. The hard yards are behind you, Cancer. You have already done most of the work. The rest of this is down to sheer stamina and determination to finish the job. Saturn has a way of forcing us to live in the real world. You have done a very good job of cutting your suit, to fit your cloth, for the last year or two. So much so, that emotionally, sexually or personally you have almost forgotten what it is like to have a normal life. Before too long, though, that normal life will return and the post-Christmas period should be a revelation. Beyond this story in your horoscope, you must ask for things in writing after Friday, or read the fine print very carefully. A new chapter is being written and it will affect your daily workload or your relationship with your body, for months to come. Know exactly what you are letting yourself in for.
In which Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, holds hands with Saturn, Ye Olde Pain in Ye Arse. This is a modern astrological interpretation of a very old pair of archetypes, known at least 2000 years ago. These two horoscope players are now conjoined in your property, home, family and household chart. Your home town and country may also be involved, through associated questions. You basically have to put your head down and get on with it, Leo. There is more to this than just a year-end deadline or a family Christmas. There are some very deep issues here which began to unfurl at the end of 2012, which must now be rolled up and put away. The joy of this cycle is its ending, and although it may be hard to imagine now, in 2015 you can actually come home - to a home which feels like a home, not a test - and think about a close relative so very differently. What else dominates your chart now? Mercury’s ingress into Sagittarius on Friday 28th November is an alarm bell. You cannot avoid some of the delays and obstacles associated with your children (or other people’s children) next year. That might also be said of any project involving the very young. Nevertheless, while you are poised for so many discussions or signatures, be fully aware of every single possible outcome and all the experience gathered by others. Relationships which might end in pregnancy, adoption or step-parenthood also fall into this category.
Try to fast-forward yourself to next year, when you can at last sit back, relax and enjoy the fact that you did so much on the internet - or with the media. In other cases your great tasks have involved computers as a whole; language skills; public speaking; the written word; multimedia; publishing. There is absolutely no way you would have chosen what happened to you in 2012-2014 (the extent of this long Saturn cycle) but by next year you should be able to see that it forced you to make decisions that will stand the test of time. Long-term, your communication with the world will be in a very different place, compared to where you were in 2011 and earlier - yet you should be respectful enough of the universe to admit that you’ve come an awfully long way, and perhaps 2015 will prove to you that some things truly were for the best. The conjunction between your ruler Mercury and Saturn on Wednesday 26th November is part of the process. Closure is four weeks away from that point. And you also need to make some smart new choices about your house, flat, home town, homeland, family or household. What you read, hear or discuss after Friday 28th November is very new. It’s so new, you know a decision must loom by January, yet you’re not sure what to do. Tip: hit the internet. Get real. Become informed. Be particularly hip to issues like bad tenants, dodgy property agents, council politics, ageing parents, the realities of particular neighbourhoods and so on. Everyone’s been there before you; find out more.
The Mercury-Saturn conjunction on Wednesday 26th November falls in the Second House of your horoscope, which rules your income, debts, bank, precious (valuable) possessions, house, business interests, charity commitments and apartment. The only way you are going to summon up enough energy to power on through the tasks ahead, is to remind yourself that at some point, a phase in your life will be over, and you can move into more relaxed territory. It may actually be impossible to imagine what this feels like, as you have been enduring Saturn in Scorpio since the end of 2012 and perhaps steeling yourself for more work, more waiting, more effort has become habitual. Saturn has a use-by date, though, and this is one of his last stands. Deal with the news, the paperwork or the discussion knowing that Christmas Eve will feel completely different this year. The rather loaded issue of your internet, publishing, media or multimedia decisions is also looming. Beyond that, there may be questions about languages, speech, hearing, computers (in general), public speaking and other facets of your communication. Mercury, which naturally rules all these things, moves signs on Friday 28th November and soon after this, plans will be pending. They are merely that; plans. Everything can be reshaped if you wish, and if you are wise, you will be a total realist about the ramifications in 2015 and even 2016 and respond accordingly. Saturn is going to slow everything right down next year. Before you commit yourself to a particular way of being heard or read, ask yourself if you can hack the delays.
Some things just have to be done, and you have to get on with them. Matters of image, reputation or personal appearance have loomed for so long, you have become accustomed to putting up with (insert phrase here) or learning to live with (insert another phrase here). Soon, this ends. In fact, it ends so dramatically that you are going to feel that New Year’s Eve sensation of ‘new year, fresh start’ in a more powerful way than you can remember. Next year you can deal with photographs, Google entries, media attention, social media profiles, YouTube clips and all the rest without automatically rolling your eyes in anticipation of what you will have to deal with. Next year, Saturn will be out of Scorpio. The closure required does not just drop in your lap though. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction on Wednesday 26th November tells you, you are going to have to work for this. The time has also come to address your money, business interests, bank, house, apartment, charity and precious possessions. It is very clear that what you hear or read after Friday 28th November is a game-changer. The issue is, which kind of game do you want to play, because it’s going to be a long one. This is not just about a few decisions made to end the year, or to cast 2015 in a particular way. It is about the savvy anticipation of basic material or financial realities which others have hit before you - and which you must research, with great devotion. Be particularly wary of paperwork which arrives between now and December. Second opinions?
You cannot purchase a reputation. You cannot buy an image. You can try, of course, by hiring public relations professionals, or paying for a stylist. The reality of Saturn’s imminent arrival in Sagittarius is that you have to be more aware of how branding or profiling actually works - especially on the internet. Very soon after Mercury enters your sign on Friday 28th November, you will find yourself on your own agenda, for the first time in a year. By Christmas Eve it will become clear that there is more to this question of your name, or personal appearance, than you suspect. All the more reason to anticipate the future now, Sagittarius. Before you stitch up your own future, think long and hard about the decision you are making (timed, perhaps for your birthday) which is going to reshape the way you look and appear. Knowing the pros and cons at least allows you to make an informed judgement. Mercury can be a fast-moving planet. Don’t let these choices race past you; a great deal of 2015 depends on them. What else is dominating your chart now? The need to slog through final decisions about a matter which you have covered up, or a role you play which renders you virtually invisible. These decisions will allow you to go into next year without all the restrictions and limitations you were forced to cope with in 2014. Psychologically, it will feel like opening a window and letting the sun shine in. Do what is required.
Your ruler Saturn forms a conjunction with Mercury on Wednesday 26th November which is decisive, to say the least. What on earth are you going to do about your political party, your rock band, your charity, your book group or your Girl Guide pack? Of course, you have your own version of this; every Capricorn has his or her own very particular community. The time has come, though, when you have to face facts and deal with what is there (or who is there) and just get on with year-end choices. One of these will set you free for a very different kind of year, and as you have put up with quite enough over the last 24 months, you should welcome any chance to change your life. One particular friend or group has put you through an interminable waiting game or laborious obstacle course. Well, there is more rock-shifting this week but at least you can see the point of it, for a change. The other new question in your world concerns secrets, classified information or confidential concerns. It describes what you cover up from other people very consciously. Alternatively there may be an uncredited role behind the scenes, where others hog the limelight and you are very much the unseen manipulator. In either case, be utterly aware of what you are creating in your life. Walk in with your eyes wide open and if you are cautioned by what you see, walk straight out again. The year ahead will owe a lot to your decisions.
It must seem as if there is no aspect of success, achievement or ambition that Saturn has not tested you with, since the final quarter of 2012. Of course, the real issues did not begin until the first quarter of 2013, but ever since then, no stone has been left unturned. Saturn works through every single aspect of professional, academic or voluntary life, until you feel you know all the issues backwards. And yet, despite all this, you still have more steps to take, before you can sign off on a phase of your life which has simply gone on for too long. The achievement will be there, written in stone, next year. For now, though, you may be feeling as if you have not much more to give. Correct. But there is a way out of this, and it involves ruthlessly cutting your load, your responsibilities and also the unnecessary time-wasting which you may now be able to shed. The bottom line is, you know perfectly well that one particular story won’t go forever anyway. So look at just how much more you have to give. Nobody is forcing you, Aquarius, some of this you have taken entirely upon yourself! The other new issue for you is a group of people, probably involving one or more friends. What you hear, read or discuss after Mercury changes signs on Friday 28th November necessarily involves choices about next year. At that point, you have to put on the brakes and go back to the original news or discussion. Read between the lines. Ask more questions. Do more research. Anticipate possible scenarios. Ask yourself ‘what if…’ and do not be afraid to be a cynic about potential repercussions. All of this will save you an awful lot of trouble next year.
The long transit of Saturn through the relentlessly intense sign of Scorpio is drawing to a close. You already know this, but within just a few weeks, you will be able to look at your travel, publishing, internet or educational agenda with new eyes. Things have come an awfully long way since the first quarter of 2013, which is when one particular issue flared up. That issue forced you to think about different ways to take journeys, deal with Europe, America or Australasia - or to study. It forced you to consider alternative ways to teach, write or use the web. Now, you can have some satisfaction at you look at just how much you have slogged through and achieved. Nevertheless, there is still some way to go. Just remind yourself that the athletes in Chariots of Fire trained themselves for Olympian feats by balancing champagne glasses on hurdles. Sometimes it’s watching the small things, that achieves the big things. So make a list and check it off. Understand that your reward will be a tremendous sense of release and relief, very close to Christmas Eve. You need tremendous energy, now, just for your career. What you hear or read about your workplace, chosen field or industry after Friday 28th November is going to alter the agenda, with more insights as December ends. (If you do not work this applies to your university degree or your voluntary role). You will be required to make your mind up before the Christmas holidays, but you can cram a lot of research, fact-finding and questioning into that period, so address what must be confronted. This is particularly crucial if you must sign your life away, Pisces.