What does the week ahead hold? Our expert astrologer Jessica Adams looks to the stars

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Bacchus conjuncts Apollo and Hygeia in your home, property, household and home town zone on Monday, enabling you to take full and happy advantage of superb timing as the week begins. By Tuesday Cupido joins the mix in Cancer, and as this ancient symbol of desire describes your lust for life, look to your people or your place to provide it. Near Wednesday, your own sign of Aries is fully occupied by Mercury the messenger, conjunct Psyche, Proserpina and Uranus - all in your image and appearance zone. Later that day that great symbol of revolution - Uranus -  will also conjunct Proserpina, who provides a bridge between powerful people and organisations affecting your image - and on Thursday he conjuncts Psyche, with a Sun-Mercury conjunction on Friday, sealing the deal -  together with a ‘forever statement’ Proserpina-Psyche conjunction on the same day. When it comes to You, You, You this is the right time to obsess about Me, Me, Me. What you hear or read about yourself this week is the turning point you needed to be free at last.


To be heard or read as you wish, you have to update yourself with the new faces, places, websites or technology which is coming your way this week. It’s very unusual to see a stellium like this in Cancer, which rules your interest online, with multimedia, your computer, your phone - or communication in general. There is a person or organisation which you should feel free to copy, so why hesitate? The other big story this week concerns what you cover up and hide so very carefully from people - or what you do without any recognition at all. Did you know this is forever? Psyche is in Aries, so whatever you are shaping in your life will last. There will be a stand-out piece of news or information about your concealed life, or buried world - or the role you are never actually singled out for, yet play with such enormous energy behind the scenes.


If you busy yourself with the business side of your life, or the money, you won’t go far wrong. This also applies to your precious possessions, house, apartment or charity. You can take big strides towards protecting the future this week. Think of it as your own version of insurance. You can thank Apollo, Hygeia and Cupido in the cautious and careful sign of Cancer for this new angle on everything you own, earn or owe. This week is also very much about your friend or group. This is chapter two, and yet you may find yourself galloping through chapters three, four and five very quickly, as what you assumed was just another change is actually so much more. Is this a revolution? Absolutely. Like all good revolutions it will dismiss the past, with all its irrelevance and its entrapment. That is a strong word, but in all fairness, the situation with one friend or group really has removed freedom from the agenda for far too long, and that has to alter.


It’s not often that you see three potent asteroids in your own sign, and so your attention will quite rightly turn to your name, image, shape, face, style, persona or reputation. You can be ‘inspired’ (to put it politely) by someone who is worth imitating - or perhaps you will be taken under the wing of a professional who really knows how to work with those holograms we call our internet personalities. The tremendous activity on your Midheaven also suggests a new or altered career by the end of April, or perhaps a departure. If you don’t work this applies to your university life or charity. You realise you are separating yourself from people, ideas or organisations which you used to accept unquestioningly years ago - and that’s the whole point. Keep asking difficult questions of yourself and others until you have a fulfilling, ambitious life.


So much activity one sign behind you, suggests that life behind the scenes, or below the surface, will be extremely productive. What you deliberately do behind other people’s backs could work rather well. Or is this about your uncredited efforts, when others take the recognition or attention? In any case you will have an awful lot to power through by Wednesday. From that point forward, though, you really have to address the reality of changing the way you write, publish, teach, study, travel or deal with foreign people. Much as you’d love a set path to follow, it no longer exists, so all you can really do is stick stubbornly to the original idea, which was to free yourself from ideas, organisations or people you found utterly limited, and limiting. You may not know this, but you are liberating others as well as yourself, with this exciting new journey.


With your consent, but perhaps quite apart from you, others have decided to pursue exciting new changes which will permanently liberate you from ridiculously stuck, dated situations with your money. This also applies to your business interests, charity, banking, income, property or possessions. You are heading into brand new territory as Uranus drives your horoscope now, but why not be a pioneer on every front? Some people will understand; some will reject what you are trying to do; none of it should affect you. The stellium of asteroids in Cancer now will also help you reshape your approach to a friend or group. There is something (or someone) very special there to work with and it will have a decided impact on the future. Call it Real Life Insurance.


Four asteroids in your zone of achievement, ambition and status deserve proper attention and in many ways they are paving the way for further decisions in July. Bacchus is the most interesting, because he is about hedonism, and that is rather odd when you think about how much work is involved with a particular project, role or goal. If you want to get high on your own talent or abilities, though, this is the week. Leave enough time for a former, current or potential partner. Or is this about your enemy? There is no turning back, even to 2014, let alone 2013 or earlier. You do things differently now, as you have seen how successful you can be in life when you follow your instincts and invent a new, unique way to proceed with partnerships and relationships of all kinds. This even applies to feuds. This week you will have another chance for a soul work-out. You had no idea how tied your hands were before, but this week will show you in a dazzling way.


Sometimes the stories you tell yourself about your working life, or even your body, are so far removed from the reality that you find yourself confronted, when change actually occurs. This is not the change you personally planned; it has been thrust upon you. If you can see the big picture of 2015-2020 though you should be able to appreciate just how much room you are being given to explore. In fact, you were probably far more fenced in than you admitted with your previous work, university or unpaid work situation. If your body has been an issue, then this applies to your health as well. What else is going on this week? You simply must follow that leading light who could make such a difference to the way you travel, teach, study, write, publish, learn or deal with foreign people. Perhaps in combination. Admire, be inspired and pursue.


You’re making moves all over the place with the babies, children or young adults in your world. Or is this about a lover? Two particular decisions in recent weeks will turn everything around, as you hope, but you also need to be a realist about what you are trying to achieve. You can have the independence and space you deserve, to be authentically yourself - but you may miss out if you are trying to find the same benefits as more conventional or traditional people. You’re in a different game altogether these days, mostly because you are making up the rules! A stellium in Cancer this week also suggests it’s an excellent time to look at your money, property, business, possessions or charity with one eye on the future. It may never happen, but insure against it.


Look to your former, current or potential partner for the really interesting decisions this week. Or is this about your great enemy, opponent or rival? You can’t really go wrong with Bacchus, Apollo, Hygeia and Cupido all in Cancer. There’s too much fun to have in one day, for a start. And then you actually have some practical choices to make - and your sign is famously practical. Not only you can enjoy yourself with this person (or through them) this week, you can also make some smart moves for the rest of the year.  The agenda for change continues with your home or family. This may also extend to your home town, household or property interests. You have come this far without some essential tools and resources; weirdly, the experiment has still worked. Now, you are being given what you needed all along. It will confront people who are frightened of anything or anybody new, but you are not responsible for that - go your own way and DIY.


A potent little stellium in Cancer is telling you to look at the way you work and live with new eyes. Intriguing people or organisations which are set to turn up at just the right time are on the way, and the results could alter the way you set about your daily tasks and duties, from housework, to small animals, to the bigger issue of being paid for your efforts. Your  body will also benefit from this week’s signs and pointers, if you are happy to make some changes. The big shift into Aries, which rules all communication in your horoscope, is long overdue. You have been in the shallow end of the pool and now you are being pushed in the deep end. This can only be a good thing long-term as you were far more stuck than you may have realised. 2013 was rather like diving in, then being thrown out again, to wait. Now, you can be heard or read just as you please.


The Fifth House of your horoscope rules babies, children and young adults, growing up. It also rules lovers and the act of courtship. There is now a powerful little cluster of asteroids in your Fifth House, suggesting it might be time to take your lead from those who are respected - even admired - for their approach. In this way, you can not only enjoy yourself, you can also guard the future. That is about as personal as an astrologer is allowed to get in a public column, but some intensely private issues will come up this week and it’s important to look for those who inspire you to the point of imitation. What else is going on this week? As you already know, you must continue with the revolution you just started with your money, business, property, charity or possessions. You could never go back, anyway. And despite the sense of experimentation, you have seen enough successful little experiments in the last couple of years to convince you.