What's in the stars for the next week? Our expert astrologer Jessica Adams has the answers...

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The conjunction between your ruling planet Mars and Uranus on Wednesday 11th March will encourage you to distance yourself even further from people, organisations or situations which hold you back, in terms of your reputation or appearance. You rejected all that anyway, a long time ago, and in turn have also been rejected. It has all been about your surface, not your substance, so it hardly penetrates very far - but it does matter.  It only makes you more determined to do things your own way in the image game, and that is an exciting prospect.


The machinations that are going on below the surface are submarine level and the churn rate increases this week. This applies no matter if your concerns are internal - locked inside yourself - or if you are covering things up from other people. There has been no real change or break with 2013 or 2014 yet, but within a matter of days you could accept a brand new direction. This necessarily involves a long conversation with yourself, mainly because you don’t appear to have a confidante. It is also possible that you are so invisible on one matter, nobody sees you there.


Your social life, friendships or group involvements as they stood a few years ago must now seem like ancient history to you. This new era is far more interesting and exciting, and it has allowed you to separate yourself from particular people or set-ups which were blocking you from enthralling discoveries. Now you are onto the next chapter, and this particular friend or tribe of people suggests your most radical move yet. It may not be wholly complete until April but when you feel a gentle buzz in the atmosphere, you will know you are wired up correctly, Gemini.


There is electricity in the air and you may even encounter lighting in the real world this week, or the tell-tale signs of lightning bolts in illustrations or on television. The zap factor in your chosen field, industry, business or profession is most likely to hit near the Mars-Uranus conjunction on Wednesday 11th March. Why have you been so reluctant to become a fully independent operator? Perhaps the lack of a rule book or guiding map has something to do with it, yet you only have to look around you to see that others have made it work for them. Now it’s your turn.


You can take a package tour through life with packed lunch included, or you can genuinely explore. You can follow an internet template or create your own website. You can follow the old books with a particular subject or do independent research. You can repeat an old formula with people from other cultures or countries or genuinely discover people as they are. You know what I’m going to say next, Leo. If you sincerely want to expand your horizons then do it as if no handbook existed. And it doesn’t. The world is yours to create anew and it will enthrall you.


This is a new world, in terms of your money, house, business, charity, possessions or apartment. Within this new world all things are possible as long as your own freedom is respected, and you can respect the right of others to be free as well. It takes a chain of horoscope patterns involving Uranus to reveal just how trapped or confined you have actually been; that will happen this week, in quick succession. As a result you may feel as if the future is being shunted into the present too rapidly. You are being presented with 2016 or 2017 in the space of a week. True. But go with it.


It pays to be ahead of your time in a week like this. What you are experimenting with romantically, sexually or emotionally is the stuff of the future, not the present. For that reason it may confront you as much as it confronts others, but so be it. Perhaps your partnership is professional rather than personal. Or maybe you are dealing with a former or potential partner. And you can ‘partner’ with an opponent if the two of you decide to do battle. In all these cases, allow what is new, unprecedented and far ahead of March 2015 to pull you towards freedom.


There are 24 hours in every day and you have been sticking to a particular way of ordering those 24 hours, dividing them up according to your own work ethic, and your sense of duty to other people. Your body and its basic needs have been slotted into that program and to date, there has been no real sign that you needed to change anything. Sure, you have paid lip service to the idea of something new and different - but later, rather than sooner. Scorpio, you must now speed up and get real. A vivid confrontation with your soul’s need to be free is coming. So be free. Utterly.


From Mumsnet to Dr. Spock everyone has an opinion on parenting. Then there are whole schools of thought on the role a godmother, aunt, uncle, grandparent or step-parent should play. Some Sagittarians hold jobs or voluntary positions where children or young people are a collective concern. Again, there are rules. This week, in all cases, you are being invited to question every single rule or opinion that stops you from being independent. In some cases the issue this week is your lover, pure and simple. What and who you reject sets you free. By April you’re liberated.


There is no question of a relaxed pace where your country, home town, house, flatmate, relative or apartment is concerned. And there is no question of a straightforward or simple relationship with anybody. Does that make life more interesting? Of course. The Mars-Uranus conjunction on Wednesday 11th March is also likely to make it challenging, but even though your natural approach to life is slow and steady, even you can speed up when you must. Something or someone has prevented you from having space. And there is a lot of space to be had. Farewell it.


You have had quite an interesting time in the last two or three years separating yourself from people, organisations or established set-ups which you feel are irrelevant, in terms of being heard and read. One classic example might be rejecting dead-tree paperbacks in favour of e-books. There are many more possibilities, but one thing is certain; this week you are going to move as far away as possible from 2012-2014, towards a very different way of communicating. The changes will come in waves, like surf.  They will roll all the way to April. And the channels are wide open.


You moved beyond your old way of dealing with money, business, property, charity or possessions some time ago, and yet you are never ultimately finished with the little life experiments. What happens this week is rather larger than that; Mars does not conjunct Uranus, the planet of revolution, very often. As with any revolution, the key is making it practical. This actually has to work, so despite the lack of tolerance and patience in the atmosphere, there must be a long-term view of what will function for you, them, him or her for some months to come. Stay excited.