Merry Christmas, whatever your star sign. Astrologer Jessica Adams has your predictions in the run up to December 25th

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Merry Christmas! Even your enemies, rivals and opponents are your guardian angels in this strange but useful cycle. You stand to benefit most from your former, current or potential partner as this person is at the core of amazing opportunities until October next year. A great deal of your future will be set up now. If you need The Big Answer with a difficult marriage or relationship it is here. If you two need to be up where you belong, you’ll start soaring now. Single? Opportunities are around. Mistletoe! If work matters more than love, you will be offered a special project involving a person you feel practically wedded to on a professional level. Singing from the same hymn sheet, you two create a success story by Autumn 2017.


Merry Christmas! Forget the financial tests and trials of 2016 because Saturn’s cycle is now altering course and 2017 will be so much easier.  Promise yourself that you will lay down some practical new rules as your present to yourself, so  that the income source, house, business, charity, flat or loaned possession in question can end up giving you the sense of relief and release you deserve. We are seeing patterns now in your chart which have not occurred in your lifetime. Brexit affected? Taureans have a nose for finance. Watch how currency exchange rates and property price changes are moving now. Careful!


Merry Christmas! If you are single, someone who poses the most serious, slow-moving tests and trials could give you the answer you need, or make you look for one.  Unhappy marriages and relationships will benefit from counselling or an amicable split as Saturn moves into rare patterns in December. Happy? You two still have so much to sort out, yet this is the halfway mark of the toughest cycle in 29 years and you have made it this far. By Christmas 2017 this obstacle course cycle for couples is over. Gemini, if your year has been about a feud, the circle can now be completed. You can leave this in a good place. You are also easily over the worst.


Merry Christmas! From October 2017 you will see vast improvements for your son or daughter. Alternatively, a happy pregnancy, adoption or step-parenting role will be confirmed – or a brilliant youth project. Single? You could easily date a Dad. Or a Mum. It is worth peering into the future at this time of year, and also congratulating yourself on surviving the very recent past. Even courtship (the kind that leads to children) looks up dramatically next year. You will be able to invest time, energy and money in your body this Christmas too. Answers wait.


Merry Christmas! The next generation inherits the legacy of your personality, as you know, if you are true to your sign, and at this milestone Christmas - only you can decide how you want to interpret it – you don’t have to be a parent to express it. What you create with this generation returns in 29 years, with or without you, so the epic choices you make now are worth taking slowly. This applies to courtship, babies, children or Millennials. It’s a serious Christmas from that point of view but a productive one as well.


Merry Christmas! Babies, children, teenagers or the lovers who may bring them into your life one day, dominate your month. Yet, because your ruler Mercury is retrograde, one of the year’s most important discussions in the final month of this year and first month of next year, goes backwards and forwards. Do allow for this Virgo. Now, at least, it’s all public and the feedback and reaction you receive will help you make a landmark decision by February. One way or another you need to leave the legacy of your personality to a generation born 20+ years after you. The trick is allowing for changes; delays.


Merry Christmas! You must be wondering when it will all become a little more predictable with your former, current or potential partner. Alternatively you have been caught up with an erratic situation involving an enemy, rival or opponent. Wheels turn in this unusual month, when a commitment to your own freedom (or his/hers) is waiting, one way or another. It may not be until after the 26th that you begin to feel you’re at the end of the road with this. The trick, as always, is to just invent everything anew. Innovate and create ‘two’ as it stands today.


Merry Christmas ! You have made some crucial decisions ahead about your money, house, business interests, charity, possessions or apartment now. The paperwork or discussion has set a new direction for 2017 thanks to a rare Saturn pattern in your chart so you can relax. The worst is behind you. Peering into next year, Scorpio, you also have an intriguing project, job or course waiting for you which will repeat what was taking place in the world in 1999, 2000.


Merry Christmas ! For some months now, there have been unresolved issues about courtship, babies, children, teenagers (or the partners who could bring them into your life eventually) and perhaps Millennials, depending on your age. Now you can see a new angle. From the 26th hearts will rule heads, but most of all, sweet liberty rules everything. You, she, he or they have to be free and it’s now finally possible. Uranus, the harbinger of independence, is in unique patterns this Christmas and a new world is all possible.


Merry Christmas! It’s all about you, now, as heavenly bodies will be in Capricorn, your own sign. This is your time to relaunch with a new look, role, title or profile. Just one rule, though. Allow for changes and delays in January, though, just as you did this month. There may be rescheduling or a change of mind. This applies to weight loss, cosmetic surgery or publicity for yourself. When in doubt get it in writing and allow for alterations or waiting games. Yet, by February, it all starts to come together. You are also making progress with your house or apartment, as rare patterns in December show you what freedom feels like. Home is where the heart is? Not so much. Home is where sweet liberty is on offer to you now. It may be the space or the atmosphere but independence is now on offer if you want it.


Merry Christmas! The friendship you have within a larger group will take up your time and energy as Saturn makes rare patterns - and you can make a huge decision which will affect this network, for the rest of 2017. It may be as casual as a Twitter tribe or as formal as a political party. Saturn gave you a run for your money with your friends, this year, but you are now over the halfway mark of the toughest cycle in 29 years and you can shift a lot of stuck baggage now.  Everything you learned the hard way about your particular tribe or group pays off in 2019 anyway.


Merry Christmas! It’s all about your friends, your social life and your group as you know, and you will be amazed at how rapidly these people take over your life until the end of January. If you all harness people power then you will create something which really is potent. Just remember Mercury Retrograde, now through January, means rescheduling and delays.  Your career, degree, unpaid work or full-time parenting role is on the agenda too, thanks to rare Saturn patterns this Christmas. The worst is over. Farewell 2016. Make a 2017 smart choice.

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