Astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what's in the stars for this February

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You need to play people politics with your boss, lecturer, employee, colleague, client or classmate as if you were in a relationship, near the 1st, 6th, 14th. Of course, this person may actually be your Valentine.

The New Moon near the 8th brings a new beginning with, or for, the group which also involves your good friend. It’s a false start, but from the 17th this intriguing people power experiment starts to soar.

Near the 21st you will be shown just how confused and confusing life can become, when you allow your secret (or your role behind the scenes) to run away from you. To stop issues in March, be proactive.

Uranus in Aries, your own sign, keeps encouraging you to break free with matters of image, persona, profile and packaging. After the 18th it becomes purely enjoyable, so point yourself at a camera or screen.

The long-term potential of your daily workload and your body is fantastic. You may have to work hard or be patient in February but by September, if you put the effort in, you will be thrilled at the results.


You are right to have faith in a pregnancy, baby, child, teenager, youth project or serious lover (with parenthood potential, perhaps). Even if things are complicated now, you will be vindicated by the end of 2016.

The second half of the month reminds you why it’s so important to keep secrets, cover things up, operate behind the scenes or submerge yourself in your own mysteries. It’s your own Magical Mystery Tour.

To skip major muddles with your group, social circle, club, society or team - take steps now. You need to make sure that the line in the sand is firm and clear that that particular friends do not wobble over it.

You will be writing a new career, university or unpaid work chapter in the second half of the month, after a false start when either the story changes, reverses or is delayed. By March you’re ready for changes.

Your foreign, travel, internet, publishing or educational agenda is dominated by questions about the balance of power. Nobody likes discussing these issues but you must face facts and compromise.


The Pluto cycle which had such an impact on the way you see your money and property in 2016 now intensifies. What began as a thought in December is a reality by March - but along the way you must get the chemistry absolutely right with a pivotal person.

You are ready for a brand new phase as a traveller, teacher, student, publisher, internet user or global citizen. Even if you find yourself retracing your steps from January, it’s time for something fresh.

With Saturn in Sagittarius, St. Valentine’s Day seems more serious than usual. There are realities about your past, present or potential partner you cannot avoid, but time and space works wonders now.

Long-term, you will be thrilled with your vastly improved house, apartment, local area or garden. What challenges you now is just temporary and by Autumn you will be more than satisfied.

You urgently need to put in boundaries (or reinstate them) with your boss, lecturer, employee, colleague or client. There is a lack of structure or a confusing chemistry, which needs to be tidied up. Time to be firm.


Your foreign, internet, travel, publishing or educational agenda shows one extremely unclear situation which will not correct itself, unless you step in. A confused and confusing situation is obvious near the 21st.

You can see the potential of web, multimedia, publishing or other communication outlets. For a fantastic outcome within months, you need to tackle the hard work now. It’s worth the effort, short-term.

St. Valentine’s Day this year reminds you that your former, current or potential partner is your best teacher. You will see why near the 1st, 6th and 14th. The biggest lesson of all is about your own empowerment.

Your new financial year really starts here, and the final two weeks of February will help you restart a conversation about the money, house, business, apartment, charity or possessions that stalled weeks before.

Breaking new ground in your chosen field, business or profession helps you convince others - as long as you have done the work. You are your innovative best now but you must back everything up with proof.


Your former, current or potential partner makes more sense to you after St. Valentine’s Day, when a communication gap, absence or incomplete story is resolved. From that point, one discussion is key.

Your daily workload and also your body are at the heart of a major two-way discussion or joint initiative this month. It’s about a duet or double-act which will make a difference to your everyday lifestyle.

Your money, business interests, house or apartment is worth all the effort you can put in. Despite the obstacles you have to cross now, you will end up being much better off by September, on every level.

After the 18th when Bacchus changes signs, your publishing, internet, travel, foreign or educational agenda becomes a pleasure. Life is as unpredictable as ever but you will thoroughly enjoy the journey.

To avoid muddles with your money in March, or confusion over the terms of a business or property agreement, act now. You cannot drift and float forever and this is the time to look for an anchor and map.


Your former, current or potential partner is at the heart of questions about boundaries near the 8th, 11th, 17th. These are good times to ask yourself what is clear, and what is real - and what is not!

The world of babies, children or teenagers calls you near the 1st, 6th, 14th when you realise that unless you take control, then something or someone else controls you instead! It’s time to take your power back.

The second half of February finds you in a position to talk seriously about your daily workload. One piece of news, meeting or document never worked out as it should, yet from the 14th, it’s all systems go.

Your body is at the heart of answered questions, in the second half of the month, as a reliable outcome was not possible in January. Now you can go ahead with an appointment, make change or accept some news.

Jupiter stays in Virgo, your own sign, until September. There is plenty of time to organise the tremendous potential of your name, face, shape, image, profile or persona to your advantage, so work the situation.


Your double-act with a key person who must balance the scales with you, influences everything about your family, house, apartment, home town, household or homeland this month. This is about the two of you.

From St. Valentine’s Day onwards you can finally enjoy a firm, fixed and final outcome involving your children. This also applies to parenthood-potential partners or the world of pregnancy for some.

Near the 4th, expect one episode with a male and two or more females (including you) which changes everything about the chemistry with a former, current or potential partner. From the 18th it’s pure pleasure.

Only you can nail down the situation affecting your body, no matter if this is about doctors, drugs, food, drink, healers or fitness. It’s all too easy to wander off track at the moment so try to rein things in.

Your daily workload involves people who cross the line with you, all the time - and of course you cross the line with them. It may help to define roles, rights and responsibilities to keep boundaries intact.


The internet, multimedia, publishing or other communication priorities you have, depend on the co-operation you can achieve with just one other person. You two are so different, but balance the scales.

You were unable to achieve a final result with a house, family, apartment, home town, household or homeland question in January, yet from St. Valentine’s Day you will know exactly where you stand.

The world of babies, children or teenagers could be confusing in March unless you take steps to control things now. This also applies to lovers who could make you a parent or Aunt, if things became serious.

Your working day and lifestyle is already a testament to your originality and energy, as you don’t work or look after your body the same way everyone else does. More bold moves lie ahead in February.

A group involving a friend, still has massive potential. Even if you have to spend February dealing with complications, keep your eyes on the prize as people power can achieve extraordinary things now.


As St. Valentine’s Day comes around, it’s time to break new ground and do things very differently with pregnancy, babies, children or teenagers. This applies to parenthood-potential lovers too.

Your money, house, business, possessions or apartment rests with a two-way street this month, as you must negotiate the path with another person who needs to take the journey with you, all the way to March.

Communication, the internet, multimedia or publishing will be straightforward in the second half of the month. This compensates for a pause, reversal or change which affected everything in January.

You may want to contain and control things more tightly with a family member, or in relation to your house, flatmate, home town, apartment or homeland. Someone is crossing the line, all over the place.

Your success by September depends on keeping the faith, even with the biggest ambitions, and even though February is demanding, your ultimate triumph will be a credit to the effort you put in now.


You have no intention of being a clone, and so your vision of the right family relationship, home, property investment, renovation or local area for you, is quite original. This month you can break new ground again.

To take the holiday you deserve, you will need to sort out temporary issues involving foreign people and places, or a distant part of your own country, this month. It will be worth it in the end.

The internet, multimedia, publishing or your telephone suggests a muddle in March unless you realise why things have become confusing. Check social media in particular. What’s going on?

A financial, property, shopping, sales or business matter which went nowhere fast in January - or even reversed - now moves forward again. From St. Valentine’s Day you can start talking or signing seriously.

This is not the most important romantic date of the year, despite what advertisers tell you, and your real moment of truth with a former, current or potential partner occurs in June or July!


The conflict between heart and head is obvious this month, either for you, or your partner. This also applies to former or potential partners too. There is a wise answer waiting on St. Valentine’s Day, despite this.

The secret you cover up, the role you play behind the scenes, or the mysteries you pursue alone matter more. Nobody ever understands this part of your life but it’s time to develop the relationship with yourself.

Your image, profile, name, photograph, reputation or role was an unresolved issue in January. From the second half of this month you can move forward with your Me Agenda and make it stick, at last.

Your internet, multimedia, publishing or other communication priorities take a radically different direction in the second half of the month but you will thoroughly enjoy what lies ahead.

Fiery Mars in your career, university and unpaid work zone suggests you need to time it right in competitive situations. If there is conflict around you, it will not last beyond March but do time that right, too.


The friendship you have within the group, or even the connection you have with the whole circle of people, feels more like the most intense relationship, near the 6th. You two must share the controls.

The secret you cover up, the mysteries you conceal or the uncredited role you play will make more sense in the second half of the month. You could not resolve issues in January but late February is useful.

You will do it your way, and nobody else’s, in the second half of February, thanks to an exciting new direction with business, banking, property, shopping or selling. You will be free to experiment.

St. Valentine’s Day this year presents the best and biggest opportunity in over a decade to balance the scales beautifully with your former, current or potential partner. Closure or a fresh start? It’s so easy.

Your Me Agenda needs a firm hand and steady eye, and you may need to step back from your reputation, name, image or personal appearance now, in order to avoid the most confusing situation in March.