Aesthetic Doctor
Dr Galyna Selezneva
- Location: London
- Expert In:Fat Loss, Pelvic floor tightening, Female Health, Body, Cellulite, Body Contouring
About Dr Galyna Selezneva
With her unique background as a qualified psychiatrist -Dr Galyna combines her delivery of cutting-edge body treatments with a level of rapport and understanding that puts clients immediately at ease. (She boasts a master's degree in psychiatry and economics with eating disorders and addictions a particular interest). Dubbed 'the Ice Queen' due to her flair for fat freezing, she was the first practitioner in the UK to attend San Francisco's CoolSculpting University. The Ukrainian native also offers sought-after services including vaginal rejuvenation and the Emsella pelvic-tightening chair, and you can find her office in Knightsbridge's legendary Rita Rakus clinic.
Where to find Dr Galyna Selezneva